Chapter 4- Citrus Wakes Up

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"Y'know, it's been quite some time," said Fuzz, "maybe Citrus will wake up soon and familiarize himself with us."

"At least he's all cozy," said Gumdrop with a smile.

All of a sudden, the ground beneath Citrus popped up (from Boxcars' punch), sending him rolling over and crashing on Oklawk's drooping arm.

"Earth, what was that for...!?" asked Pip.

"I... didn't do that, I promise!" replied Earth.

Citrus stirred a bit, but surprisingly, continued to sleep. Oklawk didn't know how to get their arm out from under him.

"Look guys... if I were ever to do something that mean, Zo would probably find out..." said Earth sheepishly.

Before you could wink an eyelash, Zo teleported here. "What is it that I should supposedly find out?" she asked.

"Uhh...nothing!" Gumdrop instantly replied. "I mean... Citrus was having a good snooze on a pile of leaves provided by Earth, but then Earth betrayed him and tossed him over..."

"I didn't, honest!" said Earth.

"I have sensed paranormal activity," said Zo, "as Boxcars and Clubs were attempting to find a diamond. Unfortunately, the nearest diamond is on the other side of the abyss."

"Luckily I could go there now," replied Fuzz, "but... I don't think it's good to grab that diamond."

"Precisely, ORB will just become stronger if that diamond comes in contact with them. The strength of that diamond could cause flying monkeys to die all over, and Loop would not know how to deal with them."

"We'd better set off to save that diamond...!" said Eyeball.

"Agreed..." responded Pip.

"We'll be off on another adventure!" said Jackie happily.

Thus, several of the characters in the scene left to locate the diamond and prevent it from being abused by Boxcars and Clubs. Meanwhile, Citrus flew up and landed back on his leaf bed, freeing Oklawk's arm so that they could leave.

At this point, only Fuzz and Citrus were at the scene. Fuzz gave his caterpillar friend a hug around the yellow segment. It was the perfect feel, as they were both fuzzy.

"What a restful member of Lepidoptera..." thought Fuzz to himself. "Someday, I gotta write about this and get Mailboxer to deliver a message. That would be quite swell, wouldn't it?"

After 20 minutes passed, Citrus stirred. Then he stretched his limbs. Then his eyes opened, and he ate a fruit, thus growing an extra segment.

"Citrus... you're up!" said Fuzz. "And you're back to your fruity self!"

Citrus chuckled in delight. "Ooh ooh :3"

"Though I can't exactly tell what was going on in your mind this whole time, let me tell you what interesting things happened," said Fuzz. "Gumdrop, Eyeball, Boxie & Jackie, Pip, Vee and Oklawk dropped by. But when Zo told us about a diamond that Boxcars and Clubs were aiming to steal, the others understood the severity of the situation and went off to reach the abyss! Of course, I stayed here to watch over you because that's what a faithful friend does."

"Say..." continued Fuzz, "how would you like to tag along with me on a quest to protect the diamond?"

Citrus agreed heartily. Thus they teamed together.

The End.

[If you enjoyed this fanfiction, be sure to give Steppi Berry a hand for their amazingly interesting show, Otherworldly Ravenous Beast! So far, Citrus is the only character of ORB who was seen sleeping canonically, and yet he has cute, unique snoring patterns.]

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