"What in the world... I don't care what you say, you're not getting that cookie, how about  I make you a sandwich, you seem to have all everything to make it, so do you want that" He said

"Fine, make the damn sandwich you good for nothing idiot," I said as I put on a show to watch
"Why are you so mean to me, I did nothing wrong," He said

"Hey N/n, Ikeda-san told me you were sick, so I came to check up on you," Miyamura said as he walked into my house

"What is with you guys and walking into my house like you own the damn place," I said as returned to watching my show 

Miyamura's Pov*

you guys?

"Hey Miyamura-san," Someone said, I looked into the kitchen and say Ikeda-san making a sandwich

What is he doing here?
Why is he always with N/n?

"Hey, Ikeda-san," I said 

End of Miyamaru's Pov*

"Here you go Y/n, a sandwich," Kitaro said as handed me the plate
"And your tea is ready, I'll go bring it," Kitaro said then went back into the kitchen

Miyamura then said next to me
"How are you feeling? Why do you smell so strong" Miyamura said as he placed a hand on my forehead

"It's Vicks, Kitaro rubbed me down with it, he said it would help me with my fever," I said
a fever which I clearly don't have

"He rubbed you down?" Miyamura asked
"Yeah" I replied
"That sounds so wrong," Miyamura said softly but I can still hear what he said

how does it sound wrong... wait a damn minute

"Oh, you nasty!" I said as I scoot away from him
"Wait, you heard me!" 

I shook my head in disgust, while I eat my sandwich.
"Now wait a damn minute! Kitaro!" I yelled

Kitaro walked in with a cup of tea
"Yes y/n,  do you need something, and you're not getting a cookie so don't ask," Kitaro said as he sat down on the other side next to me

"This sandwich...Kitaro-" I was saying
"What is it bad, I'm sorry, I can go make an-" Kitaro said
"This sandwich is amazing!" I said with a smile
"Oh, why thank you, I mean do you see who made it, me I did," Kitaro said with a proud smile

"Okay okay, calm down now, it's just a sandwich," I said

"Miyamura, are you staying?" I asked
"I was going to stay, but I guess it'd be better if I left," Miyamura said

"What? why? don't be stupid, just because Kitaro's here doesn't mean you have to go, we can all, hang out, Kitaro is cool, so you don't have to be all quiet around him" I said 

"Shut up," Miyamura said blushing
"Rude... what do yall want to watch?" 

"Maybe(some movie suggestion)"Miyamura said
"What about (Other movie suggestion)" Kitaro said

"Hmm___ or ___.... both of yall suggestions are boring," I said
"You're the one who's rude," Miyamura said
"Ouch, that kinda hurt me," Kitaro said

"How about we watch (some fun kids show)" I said
"No way," both said in union

"But, it's a good show!" I said loudly
"N/n you've watched that about a million times, every time I come over you're always watching that," Miyamura said
"Fine, I'm sure Kitaro would watch it with me" I looked at Kitaro with a smile
"No, I'm not watching ___, it's boring," Kitaro said

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