Dark Harvest

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Archbishop Panoni frowned as the withered secretary to the council, Archbishop Kes de Arini, repeated the question around the table.

"Are there any objections?" the lean secretary asked. While not an actual sitter on the council, the bird-like man wielded not a little amount of authority in the austere circular chamber the council sat in judgement in. It was by his power that this process had been called and was being carried out, the process of selecting a new Pade.

Just off the great cathedral of St. Peter's basilica and down the hall from the Pade's chambers, the council chamber resembled none of the other great chambers of the church. Instead of trumpeting the church's power and opulence, it's walls were ungilded with gold, or hung with tapestries. Nor did it have windows filled with beautiful, hand-blown stained glass. No statues, icons or decoration marred the perfect symmetry of the circular council chamber, dominated by the crescent shaped table that sat in its center.

No, this was not a place to declare the power of the Ristusian church, as were the cathedrals, chapels and basilicas scattered all over Evindel and concentrated here, in Romis. It was a true place of power and decision and needed no other trappings than the knowledge that the church in the known world was ruled from here!

Peering at the archbishops, twelve in number as they sat around the outer curve of the table, allowing supplicants to stand in the center and face all twelve, the rheumy eyes of the secretary blinked. He could see, by the flickering light of the torches that lit the chamber, set high on the wall in deep metal sconces to best cast their illumination, that none were dissenting.

"The motion is then passed," he said in his once powerful voice. It was now a whisper of its former strength, but was still enough to be heard in the closed chamber. He looked over at the thick form of Archbishop Tabacci, sitting on the right end of the table.

"You have been selected Chair of the Ruling Council, Archbishop Tabacci," He informed the heavyset cleric, who still moved gingerly from his wounds.

"And Pade to the Ristusian Church of Evindel!"

The Raphaelites, riding to relieve the Guardsmen that had been attacked by the assassins at the Invigilators' Landing, had discovered the thick-bodied bishop still alive, if barely by the time they arrived. He was swiftly brought back to the Vestican where he was treated by the best surgeons in the healers' complex. Miraculously the assassin's blade didn't penetrate anything vital and Tabacci survived.

Now, with several days of healing and rest behind him, the thickset archbishop was well enough to sit in council as they attempted to find a new Pade. Several archbishops were in the running for the position, with the necessary credentials and accolades to warrant their selection. They were all dressed in the same scarlet and purple, yet no two were alike, often as differing in their opinions as they were in appearance. Some had power in the council, while others did not. It would be an interesting decision, when it was finally made.

Which, by the sounds of it, it had been. Nodding in thanks to the lean, withered Secretary, Tabacci stood and in his effeminate voice began to thank the members of the Ruling Council for putting enough faith in his abilities and faith to elect him to the Padeship. It was a great honor and responsibility, he went on to say, one that he would gladly shoulder for the sake of Mother Church. He also indicated that he would retain the calling of Chair to the Ruling Council until the current crisis was over, after which he would quickly divest the position to somebody worthy once the vacancies in the council were filled.

That being said, he quickly finished with a prayer of thanksgiving to the One God for his bounty and benevolent watch over the members of His flock. Then, pleading continuing weakness, he excused himself to his chambers. With the help of several of his aides, he made his way from the council chamber and stepped along the corridor towards the Pade's, now his chambers. Behind him Tabacci left a buzz of uncertainty and discussion about his health and his ability to lead the church during this time of crisis.

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