Chapter Three:A battle of wills

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"What no you be in my crew"! They both shouted simultaneously. "Fine how about this we have a duel and whoever wins becomes captain and the loser becomes the first mate"? Tetsu suggested with a toothy smile "Fine". Ace agreed as the two of them got in a stance. Ace repetitively sent medium-sized fireballs in Tetsu's direction. "Metal-Metal axe hand"! Tetsu shouted as his hand turned into metal and it took the shape of an axe which he used to slice the fireballs in half as he continuously got closer until he was right in Ace's face he then turned his hand normal and pulled out his sword Zoro gave him attempting to slash Ace a couple of times. "Hiken"! Ace would release a massive amount of fire out of his fist to open the distance between them before turning into a massive amount of fire himself. Tetsu would turn into a massive amount of metal liquid and the two would battle it out in pure element form causing the sword and the straw hat to hit the ground as they clashed together. Eventually losing the energy to stay in that form they both collapsed and turned back to normal "Metal-Metal Pistol"! Tetsu shouted as his arm turned to metal and extended towards Ace smashing into his face and then reverting to normal. He then pinned Ace. "Okay okay, you win," Ace told him causing Tetsu to let him go and see that a bunch of marines is heading their way. "I think we should probably go now". Tetsu suggested and the two of them bolted into the boat and sailed away.

One piece A new Journey (discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz