"What the fuck did I just read?" I say looking at him, and he says nothing. Baz and Ads get up from the couch and come over to Josh. The three of them look at me, waiting for an explanation. 

"Don't tell me you think this shit is real?" I ask looking at the three of them and they don't say anything. 

"Oh come on, seriously. You know I would never cheat on Marcus. That photo is fake." 

"How can it be fake?" Baz asks and I sigh, pulling up the original photo on my phone. 

"This is the actual photo." I say shoving it in their faces. 

They grab my phone and look at it, zooming in to check if it's edited, and obviously it isn't. I don't know how I am so calm right now when Marcus has probably seen the photo and that is why he is M.I.A. He probably... no, most definitely thinks I cheated on him. 

"So you're saying this is the original?" Ads asks and I nod. 

"Yes, of course it's the original." I say, my voice cracking. There's a moment of silence before Josh says. 

"I believe you Em. The photo you just showed has to be the real one, or legit one. The more I look at the one in the article, the more I can tell it's edited." Josh says flicking between the photo in the article and my one. I sigh a huge sigh of relief. Josh always believes me; everything that has happened, Josh has believed me and I love him for it. He knows when someone is bullshitting or when they are not. I am clearly trying my hardest right now to compose myself and not break down in tears because Ads and Baz don't believe me, but Josh did, and I am so glad that he did. 

I look at Baz and Ads who don't seem as convinced. I know Josh will try and convince them later, which is one worry out of the way. But where the hell is my boyfriend? 

I know he can get very hot headed in these situations... He better not have... 

"Oh shit..." I say and my face drops. I look at Josh and he knows exactly what I am thinking. Without saying anything I grab my car keys and we both race to the car.... 

Marcus' POV 

I'm mad, I am so fucking mad right now. How could he do this to me? One of my closest friends. I trusted him. I trusted that he would do the right thing and fix his friendship with her, but of course he had to betray me. 

He's so jealous of me and how I have her, the girl who he claims to love, that's why he wanted to take her out for brunch. And Em. I can't believe she would let him kiss her. 

When that damn article popped up on my phone this morning, while I was watching Em sleep, I was so mad, I couldn't be in the same room as her. At first, I balled my eyes out, sobbing quietly so I didn't wake her. I had to get out of there, so I went and sat in my car and cried until that sadness turned into anger. I punched the steering wheel, probably broke my hand with the amount of pain it was in, but sped off down the road. 

That damn picture won't get out of my head. The thought of his lips on hers, just ignites a pit of fire in me and there is no stopping me. As I am driving, the photo pops up over and over again, it's like a reoccurring nightmare, only it's happening during the day. 

I am definitely not thinking straight when I pull up in Patrick Cripps driveway. I turn my car off and sit there for a bit. The picture surfacing in my brain, and that's enough for me to get out of the car. 

As I start walking to the front door, a picture of Em flicks through my head. It's of her and how she would feel if I go and bash the shit out of Cripps. I stop, halfway between the front door and my car. 

I have two options here. I can turn around and walk back to my car and pretend like I never came here. Or, I can walk up to the front door and let all my anger out by yelling and beating the shit out of Cripps.... 


Oh dear. I wonder what Marcus is going to do...

Also does Em and Josh get there on time? Or are they too late? 

Remember to vote and comment! 

Next update should be out soon 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus Bontempelliजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें