Chapter 67: The Leader

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Yuina POV

(Y/N)... I'll have to send you back. That's the only way this can be prevented.

I Yuina will keep your safe even if I have to destroy your world completely.

In this task..

I'll destroy what you started.

What ever happens you can't be reunited. It's such a shame they can't live.. I hope that child is doing well. Sadly Along with him must be erased.

[She put her mask on jumping into the night]

Shouya POV

"How is your cheek Shouya?"

It's better although I think I'm gonna head to bed.

[He opened his door and looked at Shoto nodding]

Good night then.

[He turned around]

Wait! Shoto!

"Is there something you need?"

Will um...

[Shouya looked away embarrassed]


[Shoto walked back to Shouya]


"Did you forget something?"

Ugh.. so slow!

[Shouya extended his hand out]

Shoto. Let's start over.

[Shoto's eyes widened then smiled extending his hand shaking Shouya's hand]

So.. can we hang out tomorrow!

[Shouya looked away flushed in embarrassment]

"Yeah we can."

[His eyes sparkled]

Really! Ah! I mean... I have time I suppose I can hang out with you.

[Shoto smiled patting Shouya's head]

See you tomorrow then.


He's not what I expected him to be.

[Shouya looked at the ceiling]

He's much stupider than I thought. Mom you have bad taste in boys.

Yet he seems like he wouldn't abandon me. Even with those letters I wonder what his side of the story is. If I could go back in time I'd wack both of their heads. I feel like I'm forgetting something..

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