Chapter 11 - Unspoken Words

Start from the beginning

For several moments, they simply stood there in each others’ arms. As they stared into the other’s eyes, Louis could not help but marvel how gorgeous Harry was with his hair hanging wet over his eyes.

“You’re perfect,” sighed Louis, wiping the curls away from Harry’s eyes so that he could see them clear.

“Far from it, love.” Louis noticed the boy’s eyes drift down to his arms. He brought Harry’s attention back up.

“Hey,” whispered Louis. “You’re perfect to me.”

Feeling a rush consume him suddenly, Harry crashed their lips together. He pulled Louis as close as possible, squeezing the tattooed boy’s bum because he knew how much it turned Louis on. Louis moaned, biting Harry’s lip hard and receiving the same reaction from the latter.

Gradually, their kissing got slower and they just focused on each other and nothing else. Not the shower water that was getting cold, just how much they needed to be with the other. Harry suddenly got down on his knees.

“May I, Lou?”

“Harry –”

“Please?” Harry all but begged. “I want this, Lou. Let me pleasure you.”

Louis bit his lip at Harry’s words, trying to prevent another moan from escaping but to no avail. He nodded hesitantly and Harry grinned.

Though he was nervous having never done this before, he summoned all of the courage he had and began teasing the area around Louis’ length. He left a trail of hot kisses, occasionally stopping to suck hard enough in some areas to leave his mark. Louis was his and no one else’s and he wanted the boy who was quickly unraveling to remember that fact.

“Stop teasing, Haz,” moaned Louis, his head back. Harry looked up and could see the veins popping out of his neck from strain. He smirked.

“What do you mean?” he asked, innocently. Using his tongue as his greatest weapon, he began licking Louis’ head mockingly.

Suddenly, Harry felt Louis’ hand travel to his hair and grip his soaking wet curls. The standing boy began tugging, causing Harry to moan into Louis’ throbbing member.

“Do it,” growled Louis.

Harry did not have to be told twice. Without hesitation, he took Louis full in his mouth and began bobbing up and down.

“Sh-Shite, HARRY!”

The sound of his name on Louis’ lips and knowing that he was causing the boy to come undone was enough to cause Harry to start leaking. He was in shock. He had never actually pre-came without some type of physical motivation. The effect Louis had on his body was insane.

Harry continued to suck him off, hollowing his cheeks and humming and doing everything in his power to further unravel Louis.

“H-Haz, I’m close.”

“Come for me, babe.”

Those words sent Louis spiraling over the edge. He thrust forward, causing Harry to gag slightly. Nonetheless, Harry swallowed all of it, looking Louis dead in the eyes as he wiped the excess off of his lips. He felt himself being lifted up by a dazed Louis who was staring at him lustfully and perhaps… lovingly?

“H-Haz,” whispered Louis.

“Yes, Lou?” said Harry breathlessly.

At the last moment, Louis chickened out of saying the words that he was about to utter and covered himself with a smirk.

“Your turn.”

Harry smiled wickedly but as Louis got down on his knees to reciprocate his earlier actions, Harry could not hide his disappointment much longer. For a moment he had thought…

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