Chapter 4 - Day 7: I've Been Here For Days

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It had been a week since Harry had been taken from the normality of his previous life, not that he was aware of the passage of time. For him, it felt like he had been held prisoner for months, maybe even years.

As time progressed, he also noticed that he looked forward to the periodic company that his captor provided. He tried not to look too much into why he was having these unwanted feelings but as the days went on, more than anything he wanted to see the shadow’s face.

The shadow’s visits had been minimal since his chilling words, however. The only time he appeared was to feed or bathe Harry and he hardly made small talk despite Harry’s best efforts. So all Harry had to go on at this point was a few words spoken by that remarkably angelic voice.

However, by the week-mark of Harry’s capture, he woke up in excruciating pain. He let out a whimper and started calling out for help. Finally, the shadow came.

What?” snapped the voice, speaking to him for the first time in several days.

“It hurts,” Harry whimpered. The shadow froze.

“…What does?”

“My arms… my legs… everything.”

He felt his clothes being removed one article of clothing at a time and then an intake of breath.

“What?” asked Harry, sharply. “What is it?”

“Bed sores,” was the simple response.

Harry let out the breath he did not realize he was holding, trying to focus on something other than the pain. He should have seen this coming. He had been creating friction by squirming on the bed in his attempts to escape and it’s not like he had moved recently.

“How do we fix it?” asked Harry, unaware of the plural pronoun he just used.

“I… I don't know,” replied the shadow hesitantly. That set Harry off.

“Well, find out, would you?” he snapped. “I reckon my company is a bit too valuable to you for you to just let me wither away here.”

The shadow did not respond and left the room, Harry assumed to find information on the subject matter. It was not long before he returned.

The shadow did not speak but Harry could feel him applying numerous things to his limbs.

“What are you doing?” Harry inquired.

“Cleaning and dressing the wounds,” the shadow said, shortly.

Harry had an intake of breath as he felt sharp water being applied to his inner thigh.

“Sorry, it said to use saline solution.”

“Are you though? Are you really sorry?” said Harry, laughing humorlessly.

The shadow just sighed and continued his work, his eyes occasionally flickering to the younger boy’s lips unknowingly. When he was done, he found himself gravitating closer to his hostage’s face.

Then, leaning down, he pressed his lips against the boy’s again. He felt the boy shiver underneath him but paid the slight tremor no mind, gently caressing the boy’s face. Eventually, the boy responded to the kiss and the shadow smiled into it. Sooner than the shadow would have liked, he pulled away and stood up. He began walking to the door when he heard a light whisper.

“What?” he asked, turning around. He was not even sure if the boy had said anything meant for him to hear but he found himself curious.

“I –” Harry hesitated. “Why me? You could have chosen anyone, but you chose me. Why?”

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