chapter 5 - U.S.J incident

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Hello everyone welcome back to my story, thank you for 71 views, we are so close to 100. now that the introduction is over lets jump into the story


[No Pov]

Next day

Aizawa: enters the classroom "ok brats quiet down" everyone then sits down and stops talking "I got a recording from the combat training yesterday"

class 1-A: nervous

Aizawa: "Bakugo you need to control your anger, other than that your very strong so don't beat yourself up over losing"

Bakugo: "tch"

Aizawa: "Midoryia, I see you broke an arm yesterday, learn to control your quirk and don't use the excuse that you can't control it"

Izuku: "yes sir"

Aizawa: "Y/n, you did a good job but don't be so apologetic, remember that villains won't show the same kindness you show them"

Y/n: "I'll work on that sir"

Aizawa: "good, now that we got that out of the way, you have another challenge to overcome"

Class 1-A: nervous

Aizawa: "you have to pick a class representative"

Class 1-A: sighs in relief

Aizawa: "you have till lunch to decide your representative" goes in his sleeping bag

sero: "pick me"

Mina: "no pick me"

Denki: "don't pick them, pick me"

Lida: "everyone calm down, there is only one way to decide who should be the class representative, we shall take a vote"

Mina: "everyone is just gonna pick themselves"

Lida: "exactly, whoever has the most votes obviously has the respect of the whole class"

Class 1-A: agrees

After the voting

Izuku: 3 votes

momo: 3 votes

Y/n: 2 votes

Lida: 2 votes

Bakugo "who the hell voted for the nerd"

Uraraka: whistles

Lida: "congratulations Midoryia and yaoyorozu " he says in kind of a sad tone

Aizawa: "now that you picked out your class representative you can go to lunch"

At lunch

Lida: a little disappointed

Izuku: "sorry you didn't get to become class representative Lida"

Lida: "it's okay Midoryia, you deserve the position"

Izuku: "thank you Lida"

Alarm goes off

Izuku: "what's happening" he says in a panic

Random student: "someone got pass the school gate"

Lida: "we should head to the exit"

They then head to the crowd but they get pushed the whole way

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