006 | planning the attack

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:: JAY

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:: JAY

My opponent had his hands placed on his knees, trying to catch his breath after I had been practicing non-stop with him. Even if my opponent was standing on the other side can I still see how exhausted and tired I have made him.

I chuckled before I created a fire whip to hit him. My opponent ended up falling down on the ground after being hit by my fire whip. Without giving my opponent any time to get up, I created a long lash of fire to bring him down at the ground one more time.

"You really have to be so aggressive all the time whenever you practice? You won't have any opponents left since you kept sending them to medical" My friend Jun said with a chuckle after watching my practice.

"You're telling a firebender to not be aggressive?" I responded as I sat down beside him.

"Why are you even practicing basic firebending? Shouldn't you practice lightning since your father wants you to master it before the attack against Ba Sing se" Jun asked.

"I will do it later today" I answered before I grabbed my water bottle to take a few sips from it.

"Do you even know how to produce lighting? I have watched the majority of your practices and I have never seen your lightning" Jun replied.

"Of course I can.. You just haven't seen it yet.." I immediately responded.

Lightning generation, an advanced sub-skill to firebending and something I have been struggling with for a long time. My father have been calling me firebending prodigy since dipers, but am I really a firebending prodigy if I can't produce lightning?

To be able to create lighting you need to be able to separate positive and negative energy, something only a few firebenders are able to.. and of course am I not one of them.

"You haven't told me about your trip to northern Earth Kingdom, how was it?" Jun asked.

"Maybe because I don't have so much to say about it. I spend the majority of my time in the air and not on the Earth Kingdom ground" I answered.

"Come on Jay, you must have something" Jun said and looked at me with a smile while shaking my shoulder a little bit.

I looked back at Jun with a small smirk on my face while I grabbed the water bottle again to take a few more sips of water. Jun continued to shake my shoulder a little bit because I was taking too long.

"To be honest.. Something that caught my mind and attention when I was in Earth Kingdom and it's difficult for it to leave my mind for some reason" I started after taking my sips of water.

"And believe it or not but, it's a girl" I added and looked at Jun again with the small smirk on my face.

"Fire Lord Sejo's son Prince Jay is thinking about a girl? I have known you my entire life and this is the first time you ever brought up something about a girl you like" Jun replied, a little surprised.

"I never said I liked her, just that she keeps living in my mind.." I said.

"Yeah sure you dont like her" Jun responded with a sarcastic voice and chuckled at the end.

"Prince Jay?" A voice suddenly appeared behind me and Jun.

I turned around and looked behind me to see who it was. It was my father, standing a few meters away from me and Jun.

"It's time for the meeting" My father said.

I nodded at him before I got up from my seat and followed my father along to the meeting. The soldiers who have been to the central and southern Earth Kingdom arrived earlier this morning so now we have more information about everything which will make it easier for us to plan the attack.

Me and my father arrived at the meeting room which looks like any other room in the Fire Nation palace if you ask me. Another high roofed, wide and dark room, with a wide table in the middle of the room. On the table was a map of the Earth Kingdom. Me and my father sat down around the table along with a few others who work for us.

"We gathered up here today to discuss the attack against Earth Kingdom. Our first step is going to be easy, we're going to occipade smaller towns all around Earth Kingdom just to begin with and then work further up to the bigger towns and cities which will lead us to our final destination.. Ba Sing Se" My father started.

"Conquering the Earth Kingdom is going to be difficult since it's the biggest out of the four nations but also because earthbenders are our biggest rivals. We need to keep our patience high during this attack since it's going to take awhile before the name of Earth Kingdom belongs to the Fire Nation" My father added.

"Leader Yuan, I want you and your soldiers to go back to the smaller towns in the southern Earth Kingdom and occipade them. And I want you to do the same Leader Doun with your soldiers in the central Earth Kingdom. When it comes to the northern Earth Kingdom however.."

"I want Leader Naru to take Jay's soldiers to the northern Earth Kingdom" My father said.

I looked at my father confused, meanwhile he decided to not have eye contact with me. Leader Naru nodded at my father and he nodded back, still not giving me any attention or explanation why Leader Naru is going to take my soldiers.

"What about me then? What am I supposed to do?" I asked my father.

"I have decided to not give you a part of the attack until you learn lightning. So until you learn lightning will Leader Naru take your part of the attack" My father answered my question, still avoiding eye contact with me.

"Are you kidding me? I know it's important to learn lightning but you know how much I want to be a part of this attack" I responded quite annoyed.

I have been looking forward to this day the majority of my life and now I suddenly found out I might not be a part of this attack at all? I can't believe my father is doing this to me..

"Jay.. I know how much you want to be a part of the attack and I really want you to be a part of it too but I know it is better for you to focus on your lightning right now. I'm making this decision for you" My father said and finally looked back at me.

"Why am I here then if I'm not going to be a part of this attack? I'm leaving.." I replied.

I got up from my seat and quickly started walking towards the door so I could leave this meeting as soon as possible. I slammed the two doors behind me full of anger and started to walk away. It doesn't matter where I am, as long as I'm not around the meeting room is what matters for me.

I just can't help but be so disappointed at my father..

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