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"Jisung! I'm home!" I yelled as i entered my house.

"Yay! What did you bring?" He asked smiling. Cute.

"I brought you snacks. Also, there's somethimg i have to tell you." I said as i placed down the food on the counter.

"What is it?" He asked and sat down on the couch. I sat next to him and start to speak.

"I met your brother."

"You.. What!? Oh my god! What did he say!? Is he okay!? Was he hurt or anything!?"

"Jisung calm down. He wasn't hurt. He was completely fine."

"How come you didn't invite him over? I want to see him."

"I did. I told him he could live with us, but he said he was living somewhere already." I looked at jisung and he had a sad but happy face at the same time.

"But don't worry. He said he'll visit you one day. I have his contact information so we could keep in touch."

"Yay! He's gonna visit one day! I'm so excited!" He started giggling. I don't think i have ever fell in love with someone so hard.

"Aren't you excited minho!" He smiled.

"Of course i am. I love seeing you happy." I said and pinched his cheeks.

"Minho stop doing that!" He pouted.

"Sorry, your cheeks are so cute." I chuckled as his cheeks turned red.

"Yah! No they're not!" He said and ran to my room.

He's so cute.



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