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(This is Gonna be about Juliet)

Fangs POV
Me and gen went to hang with the serpents today as Kev was out
And jug said him and Juliet are in a rough spot right now

When we walked in to the bar we saw jug sitting with Juliet angry

Hey boss hey jules

Hey fogarty  hey gen

Hey uncle fangs

Me and gen when to get a drink when we saw jughead walking up the stairs to his office with Juliet

Juliets POV
I don't get why dad is so mad at me it's just a fucking party he told me to go to his office so I did boy that was a mistake

See when my dad is drunk he tends to get really mad and it scares the living shits out of everyone but he would never hit his own kid right? Right?

When I saw my dad coming in to the office he looked pissed to be Honest I was scared usually my mum would be here to calm him down but umm well she isn't here


What Juliet

Why are u so pissed at me

Because for fuck sake Juliet he said slamming his hand down on the table making me jump


Bk u dressed like a fucking slut why do u think ur gonna get laid


No Juliet listen to me ur grounded for life now I know ur mum would probably tell you different to me but I'm ur dad and Ur grounded yes?

Yes I whispered




Later when we got home no one was here it was just me and my dad

He sent me up to my room and I was shit scared I ran in to the bathroom grabbed the nearest razor and slit lines down my wrist

U would think why would u do that don't u have the perfect life

The answer to that is no

U see

1 week ago I started getting bullied by Peter and gen
Then my own fucking twin joined in Yh okay Peter is my brother but it's the same thing

Me and Jake was so close now he disappeared to just like Pete

My dad has been drunk a lot and he gets mad at me

I wonder sometimes
Should I end it?
Would anyone care?
I walk home and look at the cars going past thinking
Would I jump every time I'm in the car we go under a bridge I think should I?
Would I?

See my mum when she was In high school she self harmed had an eating disorder

And that's exactly me but with her everyone noticed and was concerned but with me
I'm a ghost to them

Jakes POV
Okay I know what u thinking why so mean to Juliet

It's because she's my little sis no that's wrong we're twins but I'm 10 mins older and yes I bully her

Doesn't she notice I know she self harms
I know she doesn't eat I've noticed every single time

U May Say why don't u stop her
Well I can't u see gen and Pete there the it couple and would ruin ur life

And my dad he's getting drunk often but I hear jules crying all night and it kills me
That I can't do anything

Peters POV
Okay maybe ur like why bully Juliet
1)I can do whatever I want
2)she's so nerdy she's friends with this girl Martha and they always sit at the front it's depressing but Ik Jake is worried about her I can tell every time Juliet looks at her arms with a sharp object jake wants to run over but he won't
Our is becoming very drunk lately from what gen told me and I feel really bad for them
In text

Hey jules

Oh hi Pete

How r u

Oh great

Okay that's a great lie but tell the truth come on

Fine I'm not okay

What's up tell me

Can we meet at pops

Yh sure

I walked in to pops seeing juliets head down no food nothing

Hey there

Oh hi

How r u

Breaking idk tbh

Jules come on talk to me
dad called me a slut
U and gen bullying me and Jake

Oh sorry
Why do u hurt me I thought u cared

I do care jules I love u ur my sister

Right sister

U are I love u so much okay and ye were siblings

I wish u never existed some days I wish mum and dad never fucking gave birth to u
U was a mistake
With that she got up and left

I felt a tear leave my eyes
She wished I was never here wow my own sister hates me what have I done

After a while of sitting there I went home

Weeks later

Weeks went by me and Juliet never spoke everyone was getting suspicious

When I got home my dad was waiting for me

Boy come here

Yes dad

Why are u a no Juliet ignoring eachother

When I looked around I saw my sister sitting down near him with cuts on her arms

Dad in my defence she said I was a mistake and she hates me

Is that true jules


I said is that true


Both of u rooms now

Juliet POV
I don't get why my dad is so pissed like I didn't mean it I've been through hell and back and I'm sick and tired of trying

Next day
I was walking to school when I bumped in to someone
Oh I'm sorry hi I'm Heath
Hi I'm Juliet
And ur really pretty
Are u okay u looks sad
Yh just family stuff
Well do u wanna hang out at pops
Yh thanks

Later at pops
I know we just met but would u be my girlfriend.
Yes omg yes
Okay then we kissed
After the kiss my family walked in
Juliet Jones who is this
This is Heath my boyfriend
Aw my babies all grown up
Happy for u sis Pete said holding his girlfriend close to him
Jake in the other hand was holding Morgan's hand but look disgusted with me my dad just looked down
I don't get it I find someone no one likes it
Then I'm alone and it's amazing

Weeks went by I still  just myself
Me and Heath are doing amazing but I still feel like letting go of my life
My thoughts were interrupted by my dad and Peter barging in to my room
Yes dad
Apologies to Pete
I'm sorry Pete
Like u mean it
I'm sorry Pete for saying you was a mistake
Good girl
P- thanks

Then they left leaving me to my thoughts

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