Telling him

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Bettys POV
Me and my boyfriend of 3 years have been in an on and off again relationship but today I found out at pregant I'm going to meet up with him at pops to tell him the news

(She's 6 weeks pregnant)

At pops

As I walked through the door I saw jug sitting there in the booth sipping his milk shake

Hey Betts how r u
I'm good I have something to tell you
Same here u can go first
No u
I'm breaking up with you
Wh-what why? I said with tears spilling
It's just not going to work anymore Betts
Fine whatever I said as I left with his unborn baby growing inside of me
(He's gonna join the military)

I drove all the way to the Pembrook to tell v
When I showed up she opened her door and I just fell in to her arms sobbing 
Hey b it's okay
V I'm pregnant w jugs kid and we just broke up
What why
He's joining the military
Aww b it's all gonna be okay I'm gonna be here for u no matter what

And few hours later of crying we both fell asleep

I was really gonna miss him.......

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