- Seven -

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I waltzed back into my hotel room and walked over to my closet, finding an outfit for tonight. I was so excited, yet nervous. What was going to happen tonight?

When I eventually snapped out of my thoughts I picked out a red dress that hugged my body in all the right places, and some black heels.

I walked over to the mirror and placed a gold necklace round my neck giggling like a little girl, when I heard a knock at the door.

I quickly ran over and opened it to see Cara stood there her mouth suddenly dropping to the floor.

"Who's the lucky guy?" She said a grin appearing on her face.

"How do you know it's a guy?" I asked replying the smirk.

"Listen, all I'm saying is you did not get that dressed up to go out and get drunk with some friends" She said pointing her finger towards my outfit.

"Fine it's a guy" i wined admitting defeat, otherwise I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it.


"Jared" I mumbled.

"Who?" She asked smirking. I knew she heard me she just wanted me to say it.

"Jared" I said crossing my arms.

She gave me a happy face  and pulled me in for a hug, I closed my eyes enjoying the moment.

"Am I interrupting something?" I heard someone chuckle.

I opened my eyes and broke away to see Jared stood leaning against the doorframe. He was wearing a half buttoned up black shirt and some black pants to match.

I smiled lightly and Cara turned around to look at Jared.

"Sorry I'll be going, you too have fun" she giggled before walking back to her room.

I heard her door shut and I glanced back at Jared.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I smiled slightly popping the 'P'.

I closed the hotel door and made my way over to Jared.

We both walked through the building and made our way to the car trying to avoid any possible paparazzi. I don't hate them but sometimes it's too much.

We made our way round the corner to see a black Audi R8. It was beautiful.

He opened the door for me and closed it before getting in himself.

We set off down the street and I rested my head on my hand to look out of the window, although I couldn't help glancing over at Jared every now and then.

He looked really concentrated yet laid back. I glanced down at his hand, gripping onto the gear as he changed it. I always found that so attractive for some reason.

"M" I looked back up to Jared smiling at me before glancing around to notice that we had stopped.

"Oh sorry" I said averting my eyes.

I got out of the car and we both made our way towards the restaurant. I glanced up at the pretty lights surrounding it as we got to the entrance.

We walked in and a waitress approached us, smiling.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked staring down at the screen.


"Perfect, right this way" she said walking away.

We followed her and we were directed to a booth near the back of the building. It was a red booth with lights hung above us. Wow it looks amazing.

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