Chapter 11

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Picking up her dad proved to be a hassle for Sora. First, it was only 8am and there was a line of nurses in front of his door, flirting with him and wishing him good health. Second, Bak- Katsuki came with, and they were being awkward with one another in a way that made the girl mentally facepalm. He face was set into what seems like a permanent deadpan, already annoyed as Aizawa slowly got ready to leave the hospital. After what seems like forever, he finally straightens, ready to leave.

"Finally! Are we finally ready to go dad?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at him. He nods and points in her direction. "Are you ready? We could go get ice cream," He offers as an apology for the amount of time she had spent already waiting on him to be ready to leave. Sora turns her head to look at him, her eyes lighting up. "Can it be butter pecan and salted caramel?" She asks with a small grin. Aizawa nods, turning to look at Katsuki. "Are you coming with us or are you headed home?" Aizawa asks. 

Katsuki blinks, giving it thought for a moment. "I guess I can, but only if you're paying," he says, turning to Sora to see if she was fine with that. Sora gives him a slight smile, winking at him. Dad will pay for both of us, right dad?" She asks, giving him a cheeky smile. Aizawa blinks, looking between the two teenagers before giving a heavy sigh. "Yeah, it's just ice cream," he huffs, mentally rolling his eyes at their words. 

They head down the elevator, ignoring the horrible elevator music. As they leave the hospital, they notate the young nurses wishing him good luck as they exit the hospital. "Hey, maybe you'll finally find yourself a girlfriend," Sora teases him, tugging lightly on the bandages on his arm, slightly laughing under her breath. Aizawa rolls his eyes.

"Don't joke about that. Seriously, I got like 6 different numbers in the time that I was in there," He groans. This causes Sora to break into laughter. "What a ladies man, Dad," She giggles softly. "Yeah... No woman wants a man with a teenage daughter," He rolls his eyes slightly as he looks ahead. "If that is true then they are all stupid. You're great. Both as a teacher, a person and a Pro Hero. They are the ones missing out," Sora frowns lightly. 

Aizawa shrugs. "I'm not missing out. I've got one great kid. I would give up romance entirely just to watch you grow into a fantastic pro hero. It isn't the end of the world," He chuckles lowly. Katsuki watches the two of them silently, taking all of this in. He hadn't had too much of an impression of his teacher before, having only seen him at school, but seeing him and Sora together he realized just how much Aizawa loved his adopted daughter. 

"Here we are. Cone Crunch has the best Ice cream in the area," Aizawa says as he leads them inside the ice cream shop, stopping before the counter, examining the menu. "I want two scoops of chocolate," Katsuki mutters, looking at the menu. Sora looks at Aizawa and laughs. "You already know what I want," She tells him. Aizawa huffs a sigh. "Grab my wallet, I'll get it ordered. The two of you can find a table for us," He sighs as Sora hands him the wallet.

Grabbing Katsuki by the hand, she leads him off, quickly finding an empty table as she takes a seat, pulling him down beside her. "Sorry, you didn't have to come with if you didn't want to... I didn't mean for you to have to follow us here," She apologizes. Katsuki shrugs. "It wasn't that far out of my way. Besides, Won't say no to some ice cream," He scratches the top of his head sheepishly. Giving a small laugh, the indigo haired teen glances at him.

"Okay, well... I appreciate you coming out here. Tomorrow is a school day. You're coming to class right?" Katsuki scoffs. "The old hag would kill me if I didn't. Besides, I'm not going to let anyone replace me when it comes to rankings. I'm still gonna be the number 1 hero, Don't forget it either," He states in a deadpan voice. The girl next to him blinks and lets out a snort. "Oh really? Watch out, I might just give you a run for your money. Wouldn't want to be replaced by a cute girl, would ya? I am right behind you, don't you forget that," She teases lightly.

Katsuki rolls his eyes, making her crack up.  A song comes on and Sora immediately recognizes it, beginning to sing along. 

"Nowhere to run boy, run come here right now
Here right now, here right now
There's only one thing that I wanna feel right now
Feel right now, feel right now

You all over my skin, I'm anxious
Paint my body boy, I'll be your canvas
Don't talk to me, just show me your talent
Your talent, oh

One look and you're mine
Keep your eyes on me now
'Cause when the stars align
You might bring the beast out

Nowhere to run boy, run come here right now
Right now, right now
'Cause when the sun goes down, the beast comes out
Comes out, comes out"

Feeling self-conscious, Sora looks up and notices Katsuki openly staring at her. "Was it that bad?" He immediately shakes his head. "Is there anything you can't do?" He asks seriously. Sora blushes, looking away. "I'm not a good cook," She admits, wincing as she remembers the time she almost burned their kitchen down cooking hotdogs. That was singlehandedly the most embarrassing memory she had... Alongside getting her first period at school and not knowing what to do. Aizawa had to give her the talk. 

She shakes her head with a sigh, glancing at Katsuki. He gives her a shrug. "Not everyone can cook. I know how to cook, but it's not a big deal if you don't," He tells her honestly. "You speak as if you want to cook for me," She giggles softly. Katsuki shrugs. "I wouldn't mind it. But that just means you would have to come over more often," He says, rubbing the back of his neck. Sora giggles. "You speak as if you want to date me," She says, immediately slapping aa hand over her mouth when she realizes what she said.

Katsuki suddenly grins. "And would you?" He shoots back. The girl freezes. "Would I what?" She wonders. "Date me?" Katsuki clarifies. A massive blush spreads across the girls face, turning 5 different shades of pink and red. "Maybe? You've never asked." Blinking, the blonde takes that as his cue. "Would you be my girl?" He asks, turning her face to meet his gaze. 

After a few seconds, Sora nods. "Yeah, we can give it a go for sure," She agrees, smiling slightly to herself as she agrees with him. After a moment, Aizawa comes back with their ice creams, passing each one their respective cone. Most of the rest of the trip was silent, the two too busy eating their ice creams to converse. Aizawa watches them quietly, eyes on Sora as he realizes the girl before him was growing up way too fast. 

Keeping quiet until they were finished, he relaxes, looking up only when the two were finally done with their cones. "Was this worth the trip?" He asks lightly, ruffling Sora's hair, the smaller girl batting his hand out of her long silky strands. "Thanks. It was great," Katsuki hums, getting up to throw away his trash. Sora hums in contentment. "Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it. You really didn't have to," She smiles at him softly.

 Aizawa's gaze softens a little bit, nodding at her words. "It's been a while since I could spoil you. I enjoyed it," He replies, knowing inside that despite being a strict person, he was soft for the girl who had become his daughter. "Well, should we head out?" He asks, getting out of his seat as Katsuki comes back. Sora glances at him and nods slightly. She passes Katsuki her phone and smiles lightly. "Your number?" She asks. The blonde takes the phone, adding himself into her contacts without much more than a small smile on his face. 

"Thanks. I'll text you so you have mine," She tells him, shooting him a gif of a porcupine that was smiling. "There. Now you have mine. Are you going to be okay heading back by yourself?" She asks. Katsuki scoffs lightly. "What the hell do you think I am? A girl? I'll be fine so don't worry about me," He huffs, turning around. Lifting a hand and waving at her, he calls back "See you in school tomorrow." 

The girl smiles softly to herself. "Yeah, later!" After he exits, Aizawa sighs. "Did you really have to choose that one as a boyfriend?" He asks. Blushing, the girl rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Dad," Sora groans, leaving the shop as well. They walked home mostly in silence, the girl texting Katsuki the moment she was back in the house, spending the rest of her night goofing around with the explosive porcupine.  

Burning CaramelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora