Letter 1 - september 3rd 2024

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Warning: contains swearing in this chapter

Dear Patrick,

It's been almost a year since everything happened. It feels like yesterday. I can't stop thinking about it. I keep thinking that I could've at least done something to save you. I could've jumped in front of you and saved you and taken the bullet instead of you getting hurt. I keep going through scenarios where you're still here and where we managed to save you. I miss the cuddles and hugs from you. I keep thinking that every night you'll somehow return home from the hospital and climb into bed next to me. It's so cold in bed without you and it still feels weird at the fact that I'm now sleeping alone in the bed. It feels odd and weird since I have been so used to having you in the bed next to me. The one thing I'm glad about is the fact that both paul and Luke have life in prison so neither of them will be out of prison ever. Which is good. They caused so much devastation on our family and they caused devastation on Andy and Joe too. Means we won't ever see them on the streets again. They deserve to be locked up forever for what they did to us especially what they did to you. I can never forgive them for what they did to us all. I'm just happy that I will never see their faces in the street again. They have been in prison since January this year and I'm so glad I got to be in the courtroom when they were both given their sentences as it gave me satisfaction about what happened. I am still upset you're no longer here but it gave me the satisfaction that they couldn't do this to the rest of us or fuck with the rest of us all. I hope you're having a part up there patrick. Everyone is missing you so much and we are wishing you were still here with us and that you were here having fun with us.

Love you always 'Trick,

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