Eskel's S/O

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Eskel's S/O  is...




-She loves animals 

-But is not the best at defending herself

-She never wears shoes because she doesn't live near a village. She also loves the grass between her toes.

-She lives alone in the forest

-She has a fear of nekkers 

-Makes great friends with Geralt the first time they meet, having a mutual interest in herbs, though for totally different reasons. He also likes how much you help Eskel with his self-esteem

Things she might say

"If those horses could read, they would be very upset by that"

"Now if you excuse me, I need to brush my pet frog"

"Eskel, Geralt keeps hiding my herbs "

"I'll have you know I only have 40 cats. I'm not some lonely woman with no life"

"This is bordering very close to being bullying, Geralt"

"But I don't want money. I want goats."

Her as a single image

Her as a single image

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