Geralt's S/O in more detail (hc, aesthetic)

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Geralt's S/O in this book is...

- Very socially outcasted. The other villagers think she is bad luck and try to avoid her as much as possible, which is good because she does the same to them.

- She can come off as very... unique. She doesn't really see it as a problem because she lives alone and prefers it that way.

-She loves to garden, which is why she is an alchemist and herbalist.

- She also makes the most amazing alcohol with her skills, meaning Lambert is very fond of her.

-The first time she did it, Geralt noted she was a superb healer

-She also made great friends with Vesemir the first time she went to Kaer Morhen for the winter.

- Despite her social displacement, she adores Ciri, and it is likewise for Ciri.

- Definitely the type to hit you with her shoe

Things she might say

"Geralt you say that like you think I won't side with Ciri"

"I may be regarded as the crackpot of the village but even I know this is a horrible idea"

"You do not understand the laws of nature. That makes me and the tree very sad"

Her in one image

Her in one image

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