Lets Talk About Our Feelings

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Good save.

He just raised an eyebrow at me as I lied there and smiled at him.

"My family doesn't really care what I do. I mean they haven't even noticed I've been gone all this time." Dylan finally said.

"You mean you didn't tell them?" I asked shocked.

"No. My moms an alcoholic, she probably doesn't even remember she has a son most of the time."

"What about your dad?"

"I'm not sure. He says he cares about the family and that's why he works all of the time. He shows up once a month, stays for a day and the leaves. When he's here, my mom is sober and he makes her happy, but then he leaves and everything gets worse."

"Do you have any siblings?" I didn't mean to keep digging into all the things he wanted to keep a secret but I was interested now.

"Yah, an older brother, who's worth crap. The moment he turned eighteen, he left without a much as a goodbye. I was sixteen so I understood why he left and all of that, but he was the only family I knew and he left."

"I'm sorry." I said.

God you idiot, he pours his heart out to you and all you have to say is 'I'm sorry'? Wow what a waste.

I don't know what to say! You tell me what should a person say in this situation?

I don't know. Something good. Anything but I'm sorry.

"It's not your fault." He mumbled.

"I know, but you don't deserve to be treated like that. You should have been raised with the love and care that a family is supposed to give not isolated and empty." I said looking away from him. "How does a parent do that. Hurt someone so young and innocent, it's awful."

He didn't say anything back. I turned my head and saw he was just looking at me. He was looking right into my eyes and I felt as if I was in a trance. I couldn't move and I didn't want to. I wanted to have him look at me like this, the only one he could see, for as long as I could.

We lied there for a while longer. Just looking at each other in silence.

"Do I get to ask a question now?" he finally said, ending our moment.

"Sure." I said slightly upset, we began talking again.

"How do you feel about cheerleading?" he snickered.

Well way to just completely ruin everything.

"I feel like I should kill everyone a part of making this happen to me." I groaned. "I mean for starters, why do girls have to wear skirts? Couldn't I have worn pants like the guys?"

"Well I actually quite enjoy your outfit."

"You are such a pervert."

"You are a pervert."

"How am I a pervert?!" I slapped him on his shoulder.

I am not a pervert. I merely enjoy staring and feeling Dylan's abs. Does that make me a pervert? I'm thinking not.

"Wow Dylan, you are so flawless." Dylan began in a high pitched voice.

"Stop, what is that voice you are using?" I interrupted.

"I wanna jump on you like a spider monkey." He continued.

"Is that voice supposed to be me?"

"I just want to feel your lips on mine right away." he said with a girly gasp.

"I don't sound like that and I never said those things!"

"Oh Dylan-" he started again but I cut him off by kicking him off the bed. He fell to the ground with a loud 'oof'. I quickly peeked over the edge and saw him laying on the ground.

"Wow Dylan," I began in a super high pitched tone like him. "Seems like you're falling too hard for me." I winked. He replied with a slight groan and slowly got up.

"That was mean." He said sitting down on the bed.

"Awe, do you have a boo boo?"


"Sorry then." I quickly went to my closet to change my clothes. I grabbed some black leggings, black combat boots, a baggy band t-shirt of sleeping with sirens, and my leather jacket.

"Stay here." I instructed Dylan, going into my bathroom.

"Okay." I heard him say as I shut the door.

I quickly changed into my clothes and put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror, gave a little wink and then walked out.

"I'm back." I announced. I looked to see Dylan was leaning against the door with his ear pressed up against it.

"Shh." he whispered pointing to the door. I rushed over to him and pressed my ear up against the door as well.

"Who is it?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Listen." he said. On the other side I heard about three guys mumbling stuff.

"Is it them in there?" One guy asked.

"I don't know, why don't you check inside." another side. My eyes instantly widened and I was happy that we locked the door.

"Do something!" I told Dylan. It was his turn to widen his eyes.

"I don't know what to-"

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" a voice asked on the other side. Quickly Dylan grabbed my hands and pulled me onto the bed. then he started jumping on it.

"What in the hell?" I asked.

"Just go along with it!" he said. I quickly jumped up on the bed with him. He then started to make fake sex noises.

"Oh yah Jennifer. You know I like it rough!" he shouted and shrugged his shoulders at me. The knocking an shouting on the other side stopped, but then quickly began again.

"Ooh Leo, right there baby, it feels so good!" I yelled back at him.







"I'm close baby!" Dylan said. I was currently refraining myself from laughing as the knocking slowly came to a stop.

"Finish it." I whispered.

"I don't know how to fake orgasm, that's the girls job." he whispered back.

"Well I can fake it but you have to too!"

"I don't know!" he whispered.

Think, think. How can he make a sound that sounds Ike he has been pleasures correctly.

I know!

I then grabbed Dylan's shoulders gave him a nice kiss, and then kneed him in the balls.

"Eep." he shrieked. "Oh my god." he then fell down onto the bed.

I also made fake noises as he laid down in pain. Once he went silent I ran to the door and pressed my ear up against it. I listened carefully and heard nothing, so I took it as a success.

"Come on Leo, we have to go." I said grabbing my backpack, holding the things I needed for our trip.

"Yah, Jennifer, I might need a moment." He sighed.

"You are such a wimp! You said you liked it rough!"


Okay, sorry people, I went on a trip to my sisters house and I didnt have in internet so, I'm sorry I didnt post as much as i promised this week. I will make it up to you, I swear!!

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