"Oh, I guess I can do that and somehow decently use my sword," The girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Captain Yami would be happy when he comes back," Vanessa replied

The girl's stomach grumbled and Charmy being the good senpai she was, she made the girl sit down as she made her sheep do work before serving her some breakfast.


(y/n) was finally ready for the day.

She bathed and had to admit that she enjoyed their mini hot bath.

The girl made her way to the common room once again to tell them that she was going to the royal capital since she wanted to take a closer look at it.

As they bid her goodbye, (y/n) was finally in the capital.

People didn't even bat an eye when she suddenly appeared and the fact that she could use her ability anytime and anywhere took a heavyweight off her chest.

'Wait...Vanessa told me that Asta and Captain Yami were here... I should go tag along with them!' (y/n) thought before she used her ability again, but this time, she teleported to Asta.

As soon as she arrived, her eyes landed on a big man stuck in what seemed like a painting.

There were others who were standing near the said man, and two of those were the ones she was supposed to tag along with since she expected that they were just casually strolling the capital.

It turns out that she was wrong and she once again blamed school works since she didn't even know what was going to happen from that point on.

"See Captain Yami? I told you she could do that!" Asta exclaimed, looking at Yami as she pointed to the girl who walked up to the short boy.

"I came here at the wrong time didn't I?" (y/n) sighed, rubbing her temples from her idiotic choice.

(y/n) didn't notice the blue-haired boy that stood next to Asta, but when the boy perked up, she surely did.

"Are you Asta's friend?" The boy asked as he looked at (y/n) with sparkles in his eyes, almost reminding the girl of someone.

"Uh, kind of?" (y/n) replied, unsure if she was really friends with Asta since she just became a member a few days ago.

"A friend of Asta is a friend of mine! My name's Rill Boismortier." Rill began to shake (y/n)'s right hand with both of his hands, the girl smiled at his energetic personality.

"Nice to meet you, my name's (y/n)!"

"I find it hard to make friends with other captains since I'm only 19 and all!"

'He's around my age and he's already a captain?' Her eyes almost slightly widened at the revelation...that was something she didn't expect.

The boy kept on shaking her hand before a blonde guy, who seemed to be everybody's superior, cut in with their introductions.

"I see that Yami found another recruit. Well, now that you three are done with introductions, I have quite a few questions for him," the man said before turning to the man who was still stuck.


"Okay, so Captain Charlotte, Captain Vangeance, Captain Nozel, Captain Dorothy, Captain Jack...the ripper? and I'm guessing that I don't really need to know who that is since he's going to get kicked off or something, right?" (y/n) questioned as she side-glanced all of the captains.

"Yes...!" Asta answered in a hushed tone since almost everybody was discussing the Purple Orca's captain's wrong deeds.

The two quickly returned their attention to the man who gave off answers that were fully the truth. (y/n) was interested with how fascinating their magic was.

"...make sure to check your other squad members," Julius, the wizard king based on what Asta said, commanded as he faced all of the captains along with the two black bulls members.

"Yes sir!" All of them simultaneously said as they raised their right arm to their chest, (y/n) looked at what they did, and copied it as she fumbled in the process.

That's one thing I need to remember.

"You're all dismissed," with what Julius said, all of the Captains left to return to their base.

The three black bull members were about to leave, but that was until Julius ordered them to follow them to his office.

And that was where Yami, Asta, and (y/n) currently stood.

The three stood straight, Marx beside Julius, while the latter stood as he faced the window that overlooked the kingdom.

"I'm sorry for making you three stay behind, but it's sad to know that there's one of you betraying me," Julius said, touching the window pane.

"Knowing who's the one betraying him wouldn't really be that much help for me...all because I'd want to make sure that the story is intact." the girl thought to herself, mirroring the wizard king's action as she stared off to the sky as well.

Her mind was filled with what-ifs, but the only what-if that bugged her mind was what if I watched the series more before I got here?

Well, now that she was in their dimension, there wasn't really anything she could do to watch their series. Her sister was busy helping others out for her to help (y/n) get a copy of the series.

"Will you do it?" Julius said, earning the attention of (y/n) who previously was deep in thought.

"You're the wizard king, just give us your orders and we'll do it," Yami replied.

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