Cold (Bokuaka)

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 Why are people actually reading this

 (Also sorry for not updating)


 "What is it, 'Kaashi?" Akaashi's boyfriend turned around to look at him with an adorably sleepy look on his face.

 "I'm cold," Akaashi said. "It's the middle of the night in Winter, and it's so cold I can't sleep."

 "Come here."

 Akaashi rolled over, too lazy to do anything else, and Bokuto sighed, before shuffling over to hug him.

 "Is this a tiny bit better?" Bokuto asked, pulling Akaashi in gently. "Are you still cold?"

 "It's less cold," Akaashi admitted. Most of his teammates hadn't expected Akaashi to someone who loved cuddling and others' warmth so much, but well, here he was, huddling with Bokuto because it was so cold.

 "I'll hug you any time you feel cold," Bokuto said with a little smile as he looked down on his boyfriend, looking a bit less sleepy than before.

 After all, who could be sleepy while being so close to Akaashi Keiji?

 "I know, Koutarou," Akaashi said, burying his face in Bokuto's shirt. The ace was so warm and cuddly, like an oversized, simple minded, living teddy bear.

 "I know that you're tired because you're going to be the captain next year and you're stressed about it," Bokuto said softly. "I know that you've been worrying about it, but all of us third years are confident in your abilities. If you need help, I'll skip university."

 "You can't just skip classes to help me be a decent captain of the volleyball club," Akaashi said, smiling a bit but making sure Bokuto couldn't see it.

 "Sure I can," Bokuto said. "You've done well alone until now, and I know I was a bit stupid and busy spiking volleyballs to help, but if you need any help I'm here."

 "You know what?" Akaashi said, pulling Bokuto in a bit closer. "I'm not cold anymore."

 What is this bullshit, and what am I doing with my life

 Okay but you might have noticed that my chapters are slowly getting posted further and further apart, I'm 1) dead inside with no motivation 2) dead inside with no ideas and 3) dead inside with other things that I'm trying to write at the moment, so I'm sorry about that.

 Please, if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments and I'll get to them as fast as I can, you're also helping me get chapters out for everyone else out a bit quicker

 Currently thinking about writing an Osasuna chapter, a Semishira chapter and one about Kita and Yaku yelling at each other but nothing's set in stone yet

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