Rusind (Russia x India) Rainy Picnic

Start from the beginning


      India smiled again to himself, (Russia could have sworn he saw the man sparkle,) and announced, "Here should be good."

      "Good for getting heatstroke?" Russia teased, earning him a little bonk on the head with the picnic basket.

      "No, for the picnic, silly," India said. "I thought you wished your place was as warm as mine?"

      "There are no legal records of me saying so," Russia said. "You can't prove anything." (He said, as if he wasn't reciting a line he'd previously used from threatening others.)

      "I know it in my heart, and that is good enough for me," India said, unmoved. "Now, help me set up the blanket."


      It was a lovely picnic. India, as promised, had packed plenty of delicious food. Each dish left a warm, fuzzy, and full feeling in Russia's stomach. And that one dish- was it the aloo paratha?- the potato flatbread that India had let Russia help make the last time they cooked together, was as lovely as always. Of course, it was because of the rich flavors, but the memories made them even better. Russia fondly recalled helping India wash the potatoes, watching as the bread rose with the heat of the stove, and sharing the bread together. Hearing India talk about his culture and history was always so interesting and made Russia's day brighter, and that day in the kitchen along with today in the field were very bright and beautiful days.

      India was smiling as he finished up another story, and Russia thought he could never tire of looking at that handsome face. He didn't even believe he could've looked away unless someone forced him to.

     After a few minutes of them enjoying each other's silence, Russia worked up his courage to tell India what was on his mind. One little compliment would be okay, right? "Hey, Indiya?"

      "Hm? Yes, Roos?"

      Russia swallowed. Here goes nothing. "I just wanted to let you know that-"

      A drop of water hit him on the nose.

      Russia looked up, annoyed at whatever had interrupted him, only to realize a rainstorm had snuck up on their beautiful picnic.

      And before he could complain about the sky ruining their picnic, India spoke up. "Russia, look it's going to rain!" he said, excitedly.

      "I can tell," he frowned, holding up his palm to the sky as more rain began to fall. "It's going to ruin our picnic."

       "Nonsense! In India, rain is good! It's like when the movie ends happily and the rain falls to show it was a good ending," he smiled.

      "Huh, I thought it only rained when sad things happened in movies," Russia said.

       India appeared to think hard for a moment before he came to a conclusion. "You will just need to see more Indian movies then!"

      "That really isn't necessary-" Russia tried to say, but his ally cut him off.

      "I have made up my mind, you cannot change it now," India decided. He stood up and offered his hand to Russia. "How about you help me pack up the picnic? Then we can go to my home and we'll dry off as we watch some movies of mine," he proposed. "I know some good Bollywood films that you may like," he added on.

       Russia sighed, then smiled. India was truly a one-of-a-kind ally and friend. "Da, that sounds good," he said, taking India's hand.

      When they walked home, they held hands again and smiled together. They were soaked to the bone when they got inside, but they couldn't have been happier.

      Next time, Russia promised himself, he'd tell India how beautiful he was.


Author's note.

Ack no art for this or the amechu yet because school is kicking my butt...

I hope this was in character! I read literally every canon piece of content about India for this and he's so cool! I really wish he had more content. And so far, Russia has appeared in every episode of season 7... share the screen with your loved ones, please. (Also I'm so sorry about the little religion-y bit at the beginning, my religion class physically pains me because it's all just weird Christian stuff and I want to know stuff about other religions! Not like I'm allowed to say that to the priest, but... m a n . Also the trinity stuff is super whack- the more they explain it, the more you realize everything is blasphemous. Even the saints got it wrong! What the heck.)

I tried to make this accurate, but please let me know if I got anything wrong! Between fun facts like that 51 degree day back in 2016, and trying to stick to canon, I'm sure I messed something up.

Next up is Belarus x Japan! I'm already stuck on what to do for them, but I'll figure it out eventually. If anyone has ideas, I'm all ears.

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! If you have any requests of your own, please go to the rules chapter to learn more.

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