Tine frowned, "But?"

"But you never taught me how to live without seeing you everyday. And so I couldn't live, even though I managed to survive somehow."

His face softened and he bent his eyes to the ground.

He sighed, "that's sad."

I held his chin to face him, "not anymore."

His lips parted before I continued, "you are my griffin Tine. I don't know how I survived without you all these years but not a day went by when I didn't wish I could find what I was missing. You showed me love and you took it away with you. So now that life has brought you back with that love, I want to cherish each big and small moment with you."

His eyes were glistening with tears and he hugged me tightly. I held him tighter.

He muffled against my shoulder, "Why are you so mean?"

"Are you sure you don't mean romantic?"

He sniffled, "you're mean. But I love you anyway."

I smiled as I felt spring arriving in my sleeves where I was holding his back. Hearing him say he loved me was a song I could listen to on a loop and never get bored of it.

"I love you more."

"You're just obsessed with being extra."

"You love me anyway."

"You're crazy."

"Crazy for my griffin, yes."

"I look more like a rabbit."

"I love your bunny teeth."

"Gosh I miss Rain so much."

I broke the embrace and looked at him, with equal proportions of surprise and disappointment.

"Where. Did. She. Come. From?"

He sighed, "I don't know. I just miss her especially now that we  facetimed her in noon. Should we bring her home already?"

"No. We still have so much to do..the dinner's left and the whole night baby..."

"I want my little squ..."

I silenced him with a kiss and he responded too. He smiled on my lips as I squeezed his ass and licked his lower lip.

"Well", I said, "I'll make sure me inside you is the only thing you'll want tonight."

He giggled, "can't wait. Carry me to bed?"


Rain's music festival was two days later and we decided to give her a break from all the practices that left her drained of energy. Tine talked to Mrs. Ari for giving private lessons to her at home instead of going to school everyday as it was a lot for her to take. Not that she would ever complain for working hard, going to school and then to her music lessons. But I could never get comfortable with the idea of seeing my precious do more than what she's supposed to as a child. Luckily, she was coping with Molly's absence better than we had thought. We decided she'd visit her atleast at the end of every month, with or without Molly's will. However, this time, we knew instinctively that may be Molly would find her peace too. Tine had suggested us going to beach before Rain's event as a break everybody of us needed. And so there we were, sitting on warm sand as cold waves flowed onto the shore, back and forth, sweeping over our feet while the weather had softened with orange rays lining the walls of distant, azure horizon. Tine and Rain got up and they started running, Tine trying to catch Rain and I smiled, lying on my back and trying to admire how wonderful it all had become. I felt salty breeze, fluttering my eyelids and giggles of my babies echoing in the space between all beautiful things existing there. Like F Scott Fitzgerald would say, all the bright, precious things fade so fast and they don't come back, I realised that memories too, are transient. They are ever fleeting in the tunnels of time where our mind can't go much deeper, even if we try to hold it all in our hearts. The memories fade eventually. So what did Fitzgerald do when he realised it? Did he try to catch fading things like sand in palms? Or did he cherish them while they were there, still to be faded. I wouldn't know. I was no Fitzgerald. I was just an ordinary man, if we skipped the ceo part and being the luckiest person to have the most amazing family. I was indeed, an ordinary man, feeding on ordinary dreams of love and happiness. So what would I do when I'd see them running away? I opened my eyes to look at my family and smiled. Tine was carrying Rain on his shoulders and I got up. Time was passing, love was there but it would leave someday or may be I'd be gone before it does. Who knew? I was ordinary man, thinking what should I do to keep love forever by my side.


He turned back and I saw two faces I loved more than anything in the world. So what would I do to cherish them while we were there.

I shouted, "Wait for me."

He smiled. Rain gestured me to come. I ran and saw him bringing Rain down from his shoulder to the ground and whispered in her ears. She nodded and started running playfully, singing loudly. I reached to him and he held my hand.

"I missed you."

He giggled and kissed me.

"I missed you too. Let's walk together, shall we?"

I nodded. Because that's what I could do; walk together with my Tine as long as the road lasts.

The end. 🤍💚

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