black hole

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Dream tried to calm his racing heart, his feet hitting the ground heavily. The looming prison was yards behind him now. The alarm was ringing all throughout the world. Shaking the trees and grass. It was deafening to the ears.

The forest got denser and closer when Dream kept pushing through. Dream ran through the edge of the forest hearing the sound of hunters. Finally managing to put distance between them. He stilled behind a specially large tree. Hands pressed into the bark turning painful.

Straining his ears he pushed his senses to the max.

"Where the hell did he go!"

"Sam said he saw him head to the forest!"

"And do you know exactly how big that forest is Sapnap!"

"I know! I know!"

Dream started looking at the ground of the forest, tracing the best route. He looked for ways to avoid twigs and not to leave behind a track. Half of his ear was still listening to their back and forths, the other one listening to the woods.

He did a small step away from the edge and from the group. Dream scanning around before swiftly going from the trees to the clearing. Movement by movement he made his way deeper into the woods.

A stop from the chatter from his now enemies, Dream stopped mid-step. Lowering his raised foot, he made his way back behind a different tree. He wasn't able to identify the words precisely anymore, he got far away enough.

Dream hoped he was also too far that they wouldn't hear him. At the time he didn't think about how some of them were forest hybrids.

He cursed himself to hell, when he heard hesitant footsteps in his general direction. Dream curled up his fists, releasing an annoyed snarl he took off into the forest. He would have to make due.

Seconds after he ran off, he heard the confusion of the group before they also ran off after him, albeit the surprise of it all fueling them.

The group was practically stumbling after him rather than chasing.

The farther Dream got, the more he tried to keep his steps lighter and lighter, hoping he'll lose them after a quick run in the forest. His main aim is to disorientate the group, giving him more time to flee.

Not soon after Dream stopped hearing the entire group, before he heard just one person heading the same direction. He started to think of possibilities of why, he landed on that he managed to do what he was planning; disorientate. They must have split up.

Dream had stopped thinking of which direction he was heading, more focused on to leave no track to follow. So when he landed in front of a cliff. The sea water stretching all the way to the horizon. It gleamed from the setting sun.


His hand was creeping towards the hilt of his sword, Dream would have preferred his axe instead, but he was in a hurry out the door.

His teeth clenched together of the thought of his weapons being stripped from him.

Whoever was behind him had stopped not far behind him. The identity of the person about to be revealed was tense. Dream turned slowly to face the other. There stood Bad, with his guard armor, the prison brand melted in the metal shoulder pad.

"Dream?" Bad said with the softness of someone who was in front of a wild animal to be tamed. Dream's anger only raised with the indication.

Hiding his anger Dream had a lighthearted casual tone when he said the other's name. "Bad!" Dreams arms opened in a welcoming gesture. "C'mon! How about you let me go and we'll forget this happened."

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