1. Partying

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So guys this is my second book. Took down the first one it felt so cliche. This one is cliche but the other one was worse. Anyway currently rewriting this one. Hope I do actually complete it this time. XOXO.

My red romance.

Ella POV

All of us could not believe that we had graduated from high school and we're going to college. Excitement filled the air as I searched through my whole black wooden closet for a dress, cloth or anything I could wear to the party at Jack's place.

“Oh my God I literally can't find anything to put on to Jack's party.”

Cole  who was already exhausted because of waiting for me just rolled his eyes as he stood up from my bed staring into his phone.

I lived in an apartment and this was my mom's house. I literally had no clothes here.


I  cooed as I looked at him and rolled my eyes scanning his whole body.

“ I have to look good for you know who” I said as a sly smile came over my lips.

I always had many crushes and that was because I could not get the right guy. Cole and Ava knew about my crush on Angel, the quiet and shy guy that half all the girls in school liked.

But I would kill any soul who ever told Angel that I liked him. I would really be embarrassed by that.

“Oh you want to please little Angel Gallagher”

Cole said as he sheepishly moved his hands around his hard rock chest. He rolled his eyes staring me up and down and later on strolling around the room.

"No I don't”

I quickly tried to defend my self but I could not hide the shyness that overwhelmed me. I made a sly smile and someone felt disgusted.

“Please don't make me throw up right now”

Cole said as he held his heart with one hand and looking disgusted as if he had seen rotten tomatoes that spent a week in the fridge. And trust me they look disgusting.

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