Preview of the next Chapter

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            The trees that surround the Luna Nova magic school exuded an enviable glow due to the stellar event that only happens from time to time. The leaves were slightly swayed by the wind, messing up the light and dark composition of the landscape. Animated shadows indicated floating leaves being carried beyond the horizon.

            Megrez and Merak are the closest stars to Earth that allow us to attract cheerful spirits and companions, such as fairies, elves and other magical friends. Akko is studying in his room, while teacher Callistis tries to perform an invocation spell not far from the school premises.


            Akko sighed while looked at the trees beyond the moon. She constantly wondered how expensive it would be to have a heart that loves ancient magic, and all the things that involved it.

            She watched the window open with a quick movement; the lights went out, the icy air washed over the room for a while, as it ran towards the bright light that looked like a fairy.

            The young witch felt the wet grass take over her shoes. A thorny sensation threatened to disfigure her heart, but she knew she couldn't give up.

            This made her run and test her physical limits, to pretend to herself that the sensation was useless.


            Ursula sighed with the latest readings. Doubting herself was not so common.

            Her heart weighed like an anchor for the mistakes of the past, but she needed to try, otherwise she would never know if fate could really be changed.

"She kept a voice so sweet that Ariel would regret it if she didn't steal it." - A.M.

            With one hand, he propelled his word to the true nature of Oriah:


ଏହାକୁଫେରାଇ ଦିଅ |


            As a simple invocation, the entire star field opened up before your eyes.

            As the wind rode between the edges of the leaves and the lawn, she took a deep breath; catching the strong breeze that once again filled his lungs with hope.

            Chariot raised her arms towards the north. [...]


Notes: The next chapter is one of the most important.

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