Chapter 2

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The pirates were still circling the area when they finally found the sighting of the mermen but before that the ship was in chaos. The strong winds were not a problem for the tall ship of L'manberg and the rain had turned into light drizzle with the thunder slowly became quiet until all that was left was the moon and a cloudless night. L'manberg had been sailing for several months on the search of mermaids or mermen they were foretold to be beautiful saviours who could reward them greatly with gold from trading them over as requested by Shlatt they had to be captured. So far neither of the crew had managed to capture, let alone spot a merman in the long voyage until today!

The chaos was the crews constant banter and arguments that had resurfaced like their net with nothing but water to fall back into the ocean of their brains to numb to care with no pure joy. Tommy and Tubbo were to of the main responsible for this outcome with cracking jokes at every corner and annoying their father Philza and brother Wilbur who were trying to maintain the sails. Fundy and 5up were looking out into the water flirting with one another while Bad and Skeppy under the Co Captain Puffy's supervision for the actual captain who was busy sleeping in his quarters they controlled the net while Techno was the security.

As the sun began to rise two figures were spotted at the corner of Tommy and Tubbo's eye as they gazed into the water marvelling at the beautiful sunlight being related into the ocean until they saw two merman sleeping on the floor.

"WE SEE TWO OF THEM OVER THERE" They screamed as everyone on the ship turned to them before spiriting into action as the sails were raised and the Co Captain spun around using the power of the wind to get in perfect aim as the net was lowered capturing the mermen into the net and pulling it back up. The whole crew came to a stop like the boat had when they were captured the mermen were able to breath above water, they had researched this along the journey and their gills aloud them to breath in and out of water. The figures glistened in the sun rise as the grey stained net lifted up as the water trickled into the ocean and any algae or kelp fell as well. The sun kissed bodies of the mermen could be seen as they were carried onto the ship and placed on the wooden deck were the remainder of crew gazed at the amazing creatures before them.

"Dream...what's happening?" the blue blur slurred as the realisation of what was actually going on caught up to him as he began to move trying to get out while hissing at the blood that was spilled onto the deck. They both coughed as their lungs became used to the sea air. 

"Georgie stop moving you're going to make it worse for yourself!" the one who had a long green scaled tail was holding another with a sapphire tail behind his back glaring at the on lookers. The one known as George had a few of his scales trapped into the net with blood spiralling along his skin from his arm while the lime tailed merman known as Dream had a cut along his forehead from the harsh material.

The crew stared in shock most had their mouths open inviting flies in, while other like Bad and Skeppy the operators of the net as well as Philza had a glint of symphony in their eye. George who was holding Dreams right hand on the floor while the protective merman's left arm was held to his side preventing them from touching his beloved angel of the sea as George's other hand rested on his tails as he applied pressure to the source of scorching fire like pain.

"Remarkable" Techno muttered as he placed his hand foreword to try and touch the net away from the mans tail but in turn spooked the both so much it was terrifying. A man with a large pink braid to his waist with a pig mask covering his mask as he reaches out in clothes and with golden claw accessories. Dream bared his teeth since they had been whispering no one knew they could speak English and only used the human behavioural characteristics to decipher what they wanted or facial expressions.

"Get away from him!" Dream growled his voice wavered a bit but he had been foretold of men his enter life. They were violent and horrible to one another creating wars and pillaging the sea where other mermen and mermaids had lived. Polluting the ocean and hunting the mer-people for their powers was unacceptable and he was not going to let anything happen to George. The brunette whimpered onto the others back leaning his head against him as the blonde turned to make sure he was alright only to see him with his eyes tightly shut trying to find comfort through the pain.

Dream moved his thumb over his beloveds hand as the crew finally snapped out of their state that unlike what they had been told these people were in fact not unintelligent but were of the average IQ maybe higher and had families just like the members of the crew. Techno took a step back a bit shocked by the whole event as Tommy decided the best cause of action was to scream about it "THEY CAN SPEAK HOLY SH-" this was enough to scare the life out of George.

He began to move again trying to get his tail out the net at such a rapid pace that when Dream tried to calm him down all he got was to slap his hand off his shoulder and to stare into the horror stricken face of his lover. He was moving so much that the sharp material of the net cut further and at jagged angle into his flesh. Dream flapped his tail as the water moved onto the ship as he finally turned to the brunette who was panicking putting both of his hands on his face to try and calm him down but his tail was still moving at the speed of light flapping around as his eyes looked around only to see all the crew standing around him, they looked similar to the men that killed his family.

"Stop moving mate your going to hurt yourself more" Philza attempted to make him stop crouching down close to him but before the mermaid could even utter a word the panic go to much and he collapsed. Dream laid him on part of his tail using his hands to brush through his hair as he stared at the wound on his tail and quickly looked away hoping not to see the red blood emitting from the wound ever again. 

Suddenly, Jshlatt bursted in as a door slammed off to the side making his presence known as he walked through with worried Karl and Quackity who had been working in the cabin below hurried behind him. "What on EARTH is this racket!" he demanded as he saw the small crowd part to reveal the mermaids. He grinned. 

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