𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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Even though Gojo had apologised for going easy on me, and maybe he did have a good reason for it. But it still didn't sit well with me. Sure I wanted my prince charming, but I was also a princess in my own right, so I want to be treated equally. I love gentlemen and all that sweet and romantic stuff, but I will never be treated like a damsel in distress. I've trained day and night to get where I am today, and I won't have my soulmate or anyone for that matter degrade me just because I was a female.

I would even put my life on the line to prove it.

"Do you have to walk in front of me?" Gojo complained from behind me as I let out a huff as I carried on walking ahead of him. He let out a defeated sigh as we eventually made it back to the entrance, where I spotted both my friend and brother waiting with our teachers. Glancing over the faces, I could already tell the results in the pit of my stomach. Looking over my shoulder at the white-haired boy with narrow eyes as his eyes were somewhere else. Avoiding my eyes, he also knew who the winner was.

Once we made it to the others, Rio immediately came towards me with her head flooring to the ground. I could see the frustration surrounding her as she opened her mouth to say, but I shook my head. Even though this was just a playful game between two schools. It was different when it was a girl vs boy situation. It was different, and the fact that our teacher warned us this would happen didn't help. I stared at the teachers as they had proud smiles on their faces as they looked at the boys.

It hurt Rio the most because she was seen as weaker than she actually is due to the scar that runs from her forehead to her eye. They were claw marks she got last year from a cursed spirit. I was there for her when she broke down. Both of us knew the standards between women and men with scars are different, but we would prove the higher-ups wrong. Rio was strong both mentally and physically.

"The winner is Tokyo", the teacher shouted out as my stomach began to twist and turn. Both the boys turned to each other with smiles before high fiving the other. Soon they came over to us and held out their hands, "good game, girls." My brother spoke as we shook both their hands while I glared at him.

"Well, guess I won the bet" Gojo wrapped an arm around my shoulder before I pushed him off me with a huff. Turning my attention to my brother as he looked confused. "This is your fault", I declared as I pointed at him. Geto tilted his head as Gojo came back again, "so are you ready for our date?" he asked with a bright smile, and I could tell it was a real genuine smile. Was he actually excited to go on a date with me?

"Date?!" my brother shouted as I rolled my eyes. "Another time" I paused as my eyes glanced over Rio as I knew I needed to be a friend now and not a soulmate. "I'm going out with Rio for dinner", I stated as she turned her head to me. "Sushi", she mutters to me as I nod my head in agreement, "anything you want, and I'll pay." A smile began to grow as the boys began to argue.

Turning back to Gojo as his eyes found their way to mine, "my brother has my number so text me the details later." I said as I was already walking away from the two with a wave.

"No, I won't allow you to go on a date with this playboy!" Geto started with determination while Gojo let out a laugh that sent a shiver down my spine. "Geto, you can't stop the greatest love story!" Gojo shouted as I heard groans from behind. I ignored those boys as I grabbed Rio's hand, "it's not your fault. We will get stronger." From the corner of my eyes, I could see her let out a slight nod before squeezing my hand.

·゚: *·゚:* *:·゚*:·゚

The next day, I was already out since early this morning. My motivation to get stronger pushed me as I kept running. But I wasn't just training my legs; I needed some time to clear my head. A lot of stuff happened yesterday that it almost felt like a week had passed.

My pace slowed down as I watched a particular couple having a cute lunch date. Smiles were plastered on their faces as their hands entangled with the other. That's what I had always wished for. A happy relationship with my soulmate, but I was naive about it all. I thought the moment our eyes met, everything would feel right and perfect, but I was wrong. Life never makes anything easy. A fight is sometimes necessary, and in my situation, it definitely is. This soulmate stuff was more complicated than what I'd heard.

The couple soon left my sight as I came to a stop. Taking a sip from my water bottle as I received a text message. And to no surprise, it was Gojo; I wonder how he got my number from my brother. Honestly, I thought he wouldn't get it at all. Quickly replying to him as we sort out the details for tonight.

"Well, I should be getting back", I mumbled to myself as I began to make my way to the dorms.

·゚: *·゚:* *:·゚*:·゚

Rio stood behind as she did the final touches on my hair and makeup; I picked out my outfit and was happy with how I looked. "Thank you so much", I spoke to Rio as she patted my head. Rio was a big sister to five girls; she had to be their mother figure as their mum passed away, and their dad was always away at work. "Are you nervous? I mean, this is your first date" I nodded my head as my head began to feel sweaty.

Once everything was done, I stood up and glanced at my phone to see Gojo was already outside waiting. "I'm ready," I whispered to myself; I don't know if I was scared and trying to convince myself, but it was too late to back out.

Both of us stepped out of the building; Rio walked in front of me as if she were a bodyguard. "What are you doing?" I asked her, but she didn't answer. Rio only spoke once we reached Gojo; that stunning smile made an appearance, but soon Rio stepped in front of me and grabbed Gojo by the collar bringing him to her height.

"If you make her cry, I will murder you", she whispered deadly serious to him even though he was stronger than her. I knew the words she spoke were full of truth. He nodded his head as she released him as I stepped aside so I could see Gojo.

His eyes were immediately on me; those beautiful blue eyes walked up and down my body. My face grew warm at his stare. "(Y/N), you look stunning," he stuttered out as his eyes never left me as if I were some sort of goddess. "Thank you" I paused as I had time to check him out, and he really did look good. I could only imagine how many girl's eyes were gonna be on him.

He holds out his hand with a gentle smile, "are you ready for a night to remember?" I take his hand as he squeezes it softly. "It better be."

𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now