Chapter 18: Interviews

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                                                                                     District 1


The interviews are today. It's finally my time to shine. My stylist has dressed me in the most beautiful gown ever. It's a short, sleeveless white dress, made with lace and silk. My hair is in an elaborate style with daisies woven into it. I'm also wearing a gorgeous necklace that happens to be my district token. I'm the first up. Caesar asks me some questions about life back home, and finally, at the end of the three minutes, asks me why I think I'll win. I say, "I'm gorgeous, so I'll get sponsors, and I am strong and skilled. You can tell by my pretty high training score. And of course, I have a few hidden tricks."


Trying not to pay attention to the huge crowd in front of me, I sit down in front of Caesar. He asks me about my life, and why I volunteered. 

I said, "I had to. If I win, it means money for my family."

"I see. Are you confident that you will win?"

"Yes, with a bit of luck. I have many skills. Although I don't really like all the killing."

Just then, the buzzer rings, and the next person comes up.

                                                                                   District 2


Caesar's voice can be heard loudly in the room, as he welcomes me to the stage. 

"Hera, it is a pleasure to have you here. I'm certinaly betting on you, as you do have the highest training score. Can you please tell us your skills?"

"Well, I'm very good at aiming, specifically with a bow and arrow. I also have many survival skills, although my cunning and intelligence are my best weapon."

"I see. Why did you volunteer?"

"I wanted to prove to everyone back home that I am better than them, and they aren't stronger or more skilled just because I'm a girl."

"Well said. Are you confident that you will win?"

"I wouldn't have volunteered if I wasn't," I replied, as the buzzer rings again.


Finally, it's my turn. Caesar asks me some questions about my family and life back home, then proceeds to ask more important questions, such as what my skills are and am I confident that I will win. I try to play my bloodthirsty and arrogant angle, and by the time the interview has finished, I know the audience loved me. Sponsors won't be a problem.

                                                                              District 3


It's my turn for the interviews. I'm not nervous, as I remember my angle and what I have to say. I'll be an innocent, charming, happy girl that no one can help but love. Instead of gazing at the crowd, I look at my beautiful silver dress that appears to be made of steel wool. But nobody can tell that from far away. Finally, I'm called to the stage. I answer all the questions about family, and about my brother, who I love. Also, I pretend to not have any skills, but it is all part of a strategy Krypto told me about. The buzzer rings, and I sit back down.

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