Chapter 15: Training

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                                                                                      District 1


My talents are sword-fighting, but instead of practicing that, I try to learn as many different weapons as possible during training. After the three days are finished, I find that I am decent at spear throwing and hand-to-hand combat. Good. Those will be helpful skills.


I groan. Most of the stations involve physical exertion, and I just showered this morning. Plus, I just fixed my nails last night. Mostly I wander around, careful not to get tired or dirty, but whenever I see some of the tributes looking at me, I am careful to look as deadly as possible, by handling one of the weapons we were taught to use. Then, the days of training are over. Finally.

                                                                                       District 2


My best weapon is a long sword, but I am also amazing at hand-to-hand combat. At least until Hera beat me, I think bitterly. That was the first time in ten years someone has beaten me in training. I vent my frustration in the training, which apparently causes the kids around to look frightened to death. Good.


I spend my time shooting with a pair of bow and arrows. My accuracy is scary good, and all of the little kids are looking very scared. Blade thinks he is having that effect, but how scary is seeing someone who can shred a curtain with a sword? Anyone can do that. I also learn how to throw knives, and spend some time learning about edible plants and first aid, just in case.

                                                                                       District 3


I'm grateful for the fact that Kidra never leaves my side during training. The weapons are too scary, so we spend our time in the survival section. I'm actually pretty good at medicine, but Kidra isn't that focused, because she is busy negociating an alliance between us and some other tributes. Good. It will be great to have some protection.


Krypto keeps complaining that I don't have any necessary skills needed, but if we get allies, then they can just do stuff for us. That is why I seek out the pair from 5, because the boy seems strong enough to be helpful, and the girl seems to be easily convinceable. I become fast friends with the girl, Zara, and finally ask her if she wants to be allies. She says yes, and the boy agrees. I introduce them to my brother. Just in time. Tomorrow will be our private sessions.

                                                                                  District 4

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