Come Back- 14

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Rosé's POV....
I have so much to do! Somin and Jiwoo's wedding is coming up, I have to help in planning it, go on a last minute shopping with Jiwoo, make sure all our friends attend- Jisoo promised to do that for me, so obviously my phone is with her- and I have to help Lisa and Ji-- just Lisa find this Yoongi guy, I'm so stressed.
"So that's all" I heard Lisa say and I sat up. "You fell asleep, didn't you?"
"I couldn't get any proper sleep in the cell" I rubbed my eyes.
"Don't tell me you and Jisoo made babies in th-- ow! Sorry, sorry" She yelped as I kicked her leg under the table.
"You said you had a sketch of Yoongi?"
"Yes. Mochi gave it to me"
"Mochi who?"
"Mochi our brother, Jimin YOUR twin brother" Lisa said, zlmost sounding worried.
"Relax, I was joking" I chuckled.
"Well stop. Come with me, I gotta get you an energy drink so we can find the love of Jimin's life before he leaves the country" Lisa got up and started pulling me.
"Really?" I asked with a chuckle and spotted Jimin standing in the doorway.
"Jimin, you're here. You can come with us. Lisa thinks she knows where we can find Yoongi" I said and he looked relieved.
"Thank God. What are we waiting for? Let's go, i know where we can get you a good energy drink" He said and assisted Lisa in pulling me out of the chair.
"Yah! Stop unless you want to rip out my arms" I said and they stopped. "Thank you" I said and fixed my shirt but they started pushing me instead and I sighed.

Jimin's POV....
Lisa took us to this restaurant where she thinks Yoongi works but before we got there, she and Rosé pointed to a few guys but;
"No, too short"
"Too tall"
"Too skinny"
"That's not even a guy" I rolled my eyes because they seemed to be doing it on purpose to tease me so I whacked their heads with the car manual.
Hopefully that would knock some sense into them.
We got out of the car and went into the restuarant.
I was feeling even more nervous with each step I took.
We got to the counter and I turned my back to it and closed my eyes.

Am I really sure I can face him?

"What's the matter Jiminie?" I heard that voice and I looked up sharply, uttering a gasp when I saw his face.
"Yoongi?" I said and he smirked.
"I told you we'd find him here" Lisa boasted and knocked me a few meters away. "Hi Yoongi, I'm Lisa, Jiminie's little sister and this is Rosé, his twin sister but we are also your future sisters in law" Lisa said and my face burned red.

Oh I'm so gonna throw her gamepads off the Eiffel Tower and beat her ass up while I'm at it! How could she?! What am I gonna do to her know? I feel like shaving all the hair off her head including those bangs that have there since the day she was born!

"Jimin, are you okay?" Rosé shook my shoulder and I snapped out of it.
"If you're thinking about throwing my gamepads off the Eiffel Tower, good luck finding them" Lisa said from the chair she was now casually seated in, playing games.
"I didn't know I would be having sisters in law" Yoongi smirked at ne and I rolled my eyes.
Might as well act like I don't care.
"Don't mind her, she's crazy--"
"I thought you wouldn't show up, don't you work here Yoongi?"
"I do. My shift doesn't start until later in the day. I just came to bring a friend here, you know, show them around. What brings you here?" He asked me and I could see Rosé and Lisa going to another table and I appreciated that.
"I was looking for you" I told him, rubbing my nape nervously.
"Why? I didn't know you missec me" He said and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Can we go outside?" I asked him. "Sure, anything for you" He smirked and I blushed.
"So, Jimin. Why were you looking for me?"
"Yoongi I know what I'm going to say might sound weird to you but I think you're the first person I've met that I feel this way about. I feel like you and I have known each other since forever and I think we should be friends" I told him and he walked closer.
I was surprised when he held my neck.
"What else do you feel about me Jimin?"
"I feel like I want to be around you as much as I can. I find myself feeling like you're going far away from me and I should hold onto to you because... because I think we were meant to meet each other" I finished and he smirked, massaging my neck.
"Is that true?" He asked me, looking straight into my eyes. "Yes, it's true Yoongi. I think we should be friends or something"
"I don't want us to be friends Jimin" He said and I couldn't help but feel that he had hurt my feelings.
He was about to speak again but Rosé interrupted him.
"Sorry to interrupt Jimin, but Lisa and I have to go. You know, Somin and Jiwoo's wedding is this week" She jogged up to us  and Yoongi let go of my neck.
"Yeah, I remember. Just drop me off at home" I said moodily and Yoongi held my hand.
He gave me a look that made me feel everything was going to be alright and I nodded.
"Oh uhm Yoongi, you can cone to the wedding too if you like" Rosé handed him an invitation and my heart skipped  a beat.
"Nice card. I'll try my best to make it. Thank you Rosé. Bye Jiminie" He waved  and I smiled, feeling better.
"Wait here, I'll go get Lis" Rosé tapped my shoulder and went into the restaurant to call Lisa.
I turned to face her but felt something tickling my neck.
I reached behind me and took out a folded piece of paper.
"Call me up sometime, Yoongi" And a number was scribbled down beneath that.
I smiled and tucked the paper into my pocket when I saw my sisters coming.
"He cracked up... why'd you lie to me sis? I was coming to take pics for Hobi!" Lisa stomped her foot on the ground and I petted her bangs.
"Call yourself lucky if you see these tomorrow" I smiled sweetly and she looked before swatting my hand away.
"I'll just tell Yoongi then, I'm sure he wouldn't take it likely if he finds out you've been a naughty boy~"
"Shush! I'll buy you a new shampoo!"
"Actually, a new car would do" "Done"
"Nice doing business with you"
Rosé stared at us in awe before whacking our heads.
"Yah! I'm the oldest!" I screamed. "Then act like it"
Before I got into the car, I saw Yoongi waving at me with a beautiful smile on his face and I waved back.
"I'm getting hungry, Jimin Yoongi" Lisa called from the car and I blushed.
"Shut up!" I cried and got in the backseat instead of the frontseat because Lisa was driving.

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