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The weekend helped me to get my thoughts in check and I did that by treating myself to new clothes and my usual hair and nails appointment.

I've been so stressed out lately that I forgot to take a day off and just focus on myself.

The house was weirdly quiet and I even started missing the housekeeping crew who came to clean up the mess of the party this morning.

The sound of the vacuum and footsteps all over the house was oddly calming.

Madison tried to call me the whole day, which I ignored but later found out from Candice that she was embarrassed about puking all over the bathroom and wanted to apologize.

I didn't need her apology, as far as I know, she's dead to me.

Well not really, I was glad she thought I was mad at her because quite frankly, I had forgotten about the incident entirely.

Thankfully I didn't answer her unsaved number when she called so her thinking I'm mad at her was in my favor.

I drove all over town buying new clothes and shopping for dresses in case the one my mom brings wasn't "the one"

I walked into a random boutique to see the latest dresses when my phone started to ring 

"Hello?" I answered

"Liv, you will not believe what I heard" Candice exclaimed in my ear

"What?" I replied dryly

"Roy asked Madison to the dance" She informed


"What?" I almost laughed

"Yes! At the party last night"

"And?" I replied

"And what?" Candice asked

"And did she say yes?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh" Candice laughed "of course its Roy"

"Ugh, he's probably doing this to get back at me for not going with him" I replied with a chuckle

"You think so?" Candice asked stupidly and I rolled my eyes

"Yes Candice, he's my ex-boyfriend"

"I knew that!" Candice replied with a giggle

"My question is, why did Madison agree to go with him if she knows he's my ex"

"You think she knows?" Candice asked, uncertain.

"Duh, we spoke about him like 2 days ago" I rolled my eyes

"Oh yeah, that's weird"

Indeed. I hung up after we said our goodbyes and headed straight home as the sun began to set.

I was surprised Roy asked Madison to the dance.

It was obvious he was doing this to get back at me and quite frankly, I didn't even care if he went with Madison but it did show Roy in a different light.

He was petty.

The whole Saturday consisted of calling my mom multiple times to arrange for my dress  and catching up with school work and occasional phone calls between Candice and I

Kylie was being distant. She didn't reply to our group messages or text me once and I wondered if I had touched the last nerve.

I didn't care though, all she has to do to get me out of her face was to stop hanging out with me and that...would be very hard for her.

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