chapter seventeen

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Still Regulus POV

"When Jame- he. He. He. Is ready."


Shit. Shit.


I panic. I'm such an idiot. I look up to Sirius. I wish I could act like nothing happened, but even if Sirius was oblivious to what I'd said, he'd see my face and start wondering. Sirius' eyes widen with the realisation of what I just said.


"James? JAMES? James as in James MOTHERFUCKING POTTER?!" Sirius ask-yells. I give him the same look as when I said I was gay, and nod.


"Sirius please, just calm down," I say.

I wish James was here. He'd know what to do. He'd be able to handle this.

No he wouldn't.

Or he'd at least look hot trying.

"I. Won't. Calm. Down. I- I need to leave!" Sirius says. And with that, he leaves me alone in Hogsmeade.

| Third-person POV |

After a good hour of just standing where Sirius had left him, crying, Regulus decided it was time to go back to the castle. He mumbled a quick hello to Frank before he went into the dark tunnel that leads to Hogwarts. He was about halfway through when he ran into, well...


Or nothing you could see, at least. He giggled a little to himself and lifted his arm. He then lowered it slowly, until he couldn't go further down through what looked like empty air. He grabbed the familiar fabric that he and James had used to sneak off on a date so many times, and pulled it. Suddenly, he was once again staring into those familiar chocolate brown eyes that belonged to James Potter, who was smiling like an idiot.

"Hi star," James said. Regulus smiled at the little nickname. He couldn't even remember when or why James had first called him that, but he loved it. He made a mental note to ask about it later.

"I'm so sorry for outing you." Regulus apologised.

"It's fine, really. I would've come out soon anyway. And it's not your fault." James gestured for Regulus to sit down, so he did. The two boys were cuddling, and even though it was dark and cold, it was somehow cosy. "But I would like to hear the full story. Sirius wouldn't give me more information than the death sentence he's giving me." James chuckled. Regulus sighed, and told him the story. He apologised multiple times during the telling and kept apologising afterwards. James wiped away Regulus tears with his thumb and hugged him closer. He told him he shouldn't feel sorry because it wasn't his fault.

"And shouldn't feel bad for Sirius being angry with me. That's just who Sirius is. I bet Moony will be able to calm him down soon enough."

"But he's your best friend."

"And you're my boyfriend, star. You are the brightest star in my sky. Not Sirius. I love you." James said. It made Regulus smile in James' chest. He knew James had felt it, and he knew James was smiling as well. Picturing James' sunshine smile made Regulus smile as well.

"I'm tired," Regulus mumbled after a while. James yawned, resulting in Regulus yawning as well.

"We should head back to the castle," James said. Regulus nodded, and they started walking in what they hoped was the direction of the castle. If it wasn't, well, then they'd stay the night at the three broomsticks.

They stayed the night at the three broomsticks.


"James? James wake up." That was the sound James woke up to that morning. Regulus was still in his arms. The curtains were closed, but by the light that shone from under them, James could tell that it was already late in the morning. He yawned, resulting in Regulus yawning as well.

James laughed at Regulus. "You look silly when you yawn." He said.

"It's your fault I yawned."

"Am I that boring?" James pouted.

Regulus giggled. "No. It's a natural reaction humans have."

"Explain this to me, Einstein."

"Einstein does math and physics. Not biology." Regulus corrected him, making James roll his eyes and mumble 'whatever'.

"When someone you lo- care about yawns, it makes you yawn as well. It's a social thing." Regulus blushed.

"You love me?" James said dramatically, making Regulus blush even more. "I love you too," James said, placing a kiss in Regulus' hair. They got out of bed and James showered while Regulus went downstairs to order breakfast. When James was done showering, it was Regulus' turn, while James waited for the food to arrive.

Breakfast arrived when Regulus had just come out of the shower, hair still wet. What James did while waiting for Regulus to finish showering, is none of your business.


Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe this book has 8K reads, it's truly crazy. All the comments never fail to make me smile, so thank you for that as well.

I'm gonna try to update more regularly, on Mondays. I hope I'm capable of doing so.

I also figured out how many chapters this book will be. Just around 25 chapters. This book will have a happy ending, don't worry. I tend to end books very sad, but I promise I won't with this one.

Please stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask. Covid isn't over yet.



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