Fake Friend (Act two)

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This Bitch




Mother Fucking Bitch

I used to be her friend

Or more of

She used to be my friend 

Because when a friend complains 

You don't do what she did

She danced around your statement with words


You realized that those words meant more

That every consonants and every vowel 

Was laced 

With "you may be broken but are you as broken as me?"


"If I hurt more than you, you are irrelevant"

But she never was

All her problems paled in significance to mine

But she wanted to out do me

Because whoever was more broken 

Got more attention 

More pity

And once I complained

"I have to go to the hospital tomorrow"

Which had more underlying meaning than you might think 

of a doctors appointment 

Because IT happened 

I will not talk about IT now

But this IT she knew of 

But still

She complained that she had two basketball games

She had to go to

And sit the whole time

Because she refused to play

I told her I'd rather go to two basketball games instead 

She got pissed

She yelled about it for ten minutes 

About how my trauma was nothing compared 

To the boredom

Of actively choosing to sit out

At a basketball game

Never downplay anyone's hurt

Or happiness

Or sadness

Or anger 

Just because someone else's feelings are stronger

Because everyone hurts 

Doesn't  mean that those that hurt less are less

Or that they don't hurt at all

But for the record 

that bitch 

Barely had a crack 

And I 

Was nearly ripped in two 

Hanging on by a thread 

Thin as a hang nail

Here I'll shoutKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat