Not all men

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You're right 

It's not all men


It's enough 

Enough that little girls go missing 

Enough that little girls can't walk home by themselves 

Enough that full grown ass women can go running by themselves 

Enough that little girls can't wear tank tops 

Or shorts shorter than their fingertips on their thighs

 On 101 degree days


We wouldn't want to distract the boys 

Or look too "revealing"

Because it might turn them on

Because it's ok that boys are sexually attracted 

To middle school girls

To elementary girls

Because it's ok to shame girls

Who were forced to take a dick


"They were asking for it"

Because that 13 year old

Pushed to the ground 

And raped

Asked for it 

Because you could see her shoulders


It's not ok to teach him 

To keep it In his pants 

And not assault women 

Here I'll shoutDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora