Part 2 *Archers pov*

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My name is Archer.. everyone sees me as homophobic and the short sidekick for the school "jock".. but I see the school "jock" for than just a best friend...

Being "homophobic" is just a cover-up.. so people think I'm cool...

I can't tell anyone that I like my best friend.. especially not my twin, becket...

And if people find out I don't actually like drew.. that'll be a problem...

His name is Killian... Almost everyone likes him, or at least once had a crush on him.. he's so popular...I wish I was that popular...

He has short brown hair kinda wavy
Beautiful brown eyes
He's tall
He always wears hats, which are so cute
And he's really funny

I'm really scared to confess my feelings...What if he likes someone else..or what if he doesn't like me.. or ditches me because I'm gay and/or weird..\:

At recess, we always play gaga ball.. and it's really fun, he's always yelling at people and stuff..maybe he's practicing for something else...

I and him joke around a lot, and we do everything together, we moan at recess..and we go on the swings together...

Sometimes Killian hits my ass, oh.. does it feel so good...

Maybe one day I can confess my feelings...

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