Part 1 *Killians pov*

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My name is Killian, I'm the school bully or jock, whatever you like to call it. Everyone just sees me as the tall boy, and everyone thinks I'm homophobic ...but that's just a cover-up...I actually like this boy in my class, everyone else.

.And I haven't told anyone because my friends would leave me.. especially Grayson..he'd get mad...

So would the pick me girl, Emma, yeah she thinks I like her but I'm just playing with her feelings.

His name is Archer..not a lot of people like him, but I don't know how anyone couldn't. He's cute, funny, nice (at least to me), and overall just a good person.

He has short brown hair, he always has a beanie or hat on (which are so cute btw). He has sparkling brown eyes.
Cute little glasses.
And he's pretty short, pretty cute.

Anyway, I'm really scared to confess my feelings...I'm worried he's going to think I'm weird.. or worse, ditch me..or.. what if he likes someone else.

At recess we always play gaga ball, he's so good at it..he's so so good with his's probably good for other things too... I MEAN- huh what nothing *blushes*

We like to joke around a lot, oh and did I mention we're best friends.. so I have a better chance..but that chance isn't guaranteed..\:

Sometimes I hit his ass.. oh it feels so good... He thinks I'm doing it jokingly..but no..then he hits my ass back...I try so hard not to moan...

Maybe one day I can confess my feelings...

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