"yeah, i don't think she'll want to go." he shrugs.

"who is it? maybe we can ask her." she suggests with a smug smile.

"you know what, you can. she's right next to you, just ask her." he points to el as her eyes widen and mouths him a 'what?'

everyone drops their forks and food and sits back and watches.

"her? the new freak?" kylie asks.

"yeah. she's my girlfriend." mike nods.

"really?" kylie asks with a smirk as he nods, "yep."

"well then tag along and we'll see if she's actually your girlfriend." kylie smirks, "5pm, bowling alley." she says before walking off.

"you ass! i didn't agree to that!" el exclaims, shoving mike.

"you owe me a favour, remember? now there it is, be my fake girlfriend tomorrow so they can leave me alone." he shrugs.

"couldnt you have gotten someone else to do it?" she asks.

"sorry but you're the one that owes me a favour, sweetheart." he smirks, taking a piece of her chicken bite and placing it into his mouth.

"ass." she grumbles.


"i don't want makeup!" el shoves it away as mike groans, "come on, it's my favour."

"and my face! i don't need it... can't i be beautiful naturally?" she asks.

"i can't believe i'm saying this but you are."

"i am?" she asks.

"yes, you are but they're not. they use makeup to make them pretty and if you were to compete without makeup, obviously you'd win but they have makeup. it's not an even plain field and we need you to be stunning so they'll leave me alone so put the makeup on and be even more beautiful than them." he explains.

"i can't believe you called me beautiful." she smiles, grabbing the makeup.

"don't throw it in my face." he grumbles as they walk to the cashier.

she uses the self checkout and he stops her and pays for her before they walk out.

"where to next?" she asks.

"well we can get you new clothes unless you're still complaining about skirts and crop tops." he teases her.

"well it's your favour." she shrugs.

"how 'bout a dress?" he suggests.

"i don't mind, as long as i don't look fat and ugly in it." she says honestly as they walk to the clothing store.

"i assure you, you won't." he reassures her as she nods.

"we're not doing the super short dresses." she quickly tells him as he nods, "i know."

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