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Temptation that makes your heart race.

Under moonlight passion ignites.

Desire tasted on captured tender lips.

Fingers encircling hips.

Restraint no longer exists.

The heat from his lips burning a trail down flushed bare skin.

Passions burning like fire.

Feeding every desire.

Rapture found in capable arms.

Whispers that mesmerize senses like a magic charm.

Sensual delight as moans fill the night.

Every sensation and touch just right.

Bodies and souls come together as one.

Heat and pleasure grows.

Craving more as lips and bodies meet.

Gazing deeply into desire filled eyes.

Urgent whispers.

Sensual cries.

Ecstasy long through the night.

Rumpled silken sheets and clothes strewn on the floor.

He sleeps soundly as I trace my fingers lightly over his lips.

Indulge in one more kiss.

Whispering words of endearment he shan't hear softly in his ear.

One last glance as I silently slip out the door.

Knowing this story has so much more to live and tell.


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