Chapter 1

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The air was heavy in late August when Haley-Anne let her newborn daughter, Annabelle, be part of a cloning project. This was to make an exact copy and keep almost all the same traits. 

 So after the process, Haley-Anne forbid to tell anyone that her two twin daughters where really cloned. And the scientists didn’t spill either. 

  In the past, clones are said to die before the real one, this project made sure that didn’t happen. I would know, I’m that clone. 

 Hi. I’m Jess, Anna’s clone.

  So really, I didn’t know that I was cloned till I read my mothers email by accident, thinking that I was logged in. So I read it and understood. 

 I feel like telling Annabelle, but she would just blow off that I told her.  But I don’t care a lot about that, all I know is that I am perfectly fine keeping this secret. 

 It wasn’t hard after that to try and live like I did before, but I kept wondering if there was kids like me, clones. But then I reminded myself that it was illegal and that my mom and dad would get in serious trouble for that. I don’t really have a birth certificate. But mother got one made. I wasn’t handed one till I was at least two.

 At school, sometimes me and my sister pretend to be the other, sense we are both about the same in grades. So today I played Annabelle. Though no one noticed, I couldn’t help thinking I technically am Anna.  I know that I shouldn’t think such a thing, but its true, in a sense. 

 So the rest of the day till about time to catch the bus, I was Anna Jones and Anna was Jess Jones.  Anna and I changed in the locker room when everyone left. 

 “Well, Jess, did anyone think you were me?” Anna asked as I handed her the white frilly blouse she was wearing earlier. “No,” I replied as I pulled my “Converse” shirt over my head. Then the jean shorts, and the high tops. As you can tell, me and Anna have different clothing styles. She, for instance is wearing a white blouse, jean skirt, ballet flats, and her hair was usually curled or straitened, but we switched so it was in a pony tail.

  “Wait for me while I straiten my hair?” she asked, holding her flat iron. “Do I have a choice?” I smirked. 

 While Anna was flattening her hair with two hot plates, I was thinking of this as a great time to tell her, but she probably wouldn’t believe me and saying stuff like “Oh, you and your science fiction books!” or “You and your guy friends must talk about lame stuff to much.”  

But I wanted to tell her so badly. 

I ended up doing just that.

“Anna, we need to talk…” I said. She turned around to face me, still holding the iron to her head. “Shoot,” She said and continued straightening. 

I took a shaky breath. “We are clones.”  

She looked at me. 

“No, Jess, that’s impossible! We are twins!” she said nudging me with her free hand.

“No, Anna, I’m serious!”

“I’m serious too! We aren’t clones! Its illegal and impossible!” she said repeating herself and finished. 

“Lets go, I cant believe you, acting so stupid,” she said and shoved it in her back pack. 

“Anna-” I said walking after her. “let me explain how we are clones. One, we look identical. Even the same birth mark on our stomachs, two, I haven’t gotten a real birth certificate till I was at least two. And three… I read an email of moms, I can show it to you when we get home.” I said as I walked next to her. 

“Fine, I’d love to see this email!” she said as we walked home. 

I pulled up to the computer once we reached home and got out the email. 

Dear Mrs. and Mr. Jones, 

 I was wondering how your clones are! Its been exactly fourteen years and this is by far the most successful cloning ever! If you see anything different about the clone you call “Jess” (to us: OS9835) please tell us. We might have to do some work. 


 Dr. Hurbity 

“Ok, this is fake right?” Anna asked freaking out. 

“I’m afraid not, its creepy for me to…”

“So your me, oh my god! We are illegal!” she said pacing back and forth. 

“I know, but don’t tell mom or dad.” I said trying to calm my sister down. 

“Fine but I cant believe that your me! I mean now… is there such thing as ‘Jess’?” she asked getting scared. 

I gulped “I’m not sure…” 

“Jess, if your me, your not Jess, your Anna, Anna Two! Or as they call you, OS9835!” She said.

“Never thought of it that way…” I confessed and sat down. 

“Well, we got to keep this under wraps… or should I say I… sense your me…”  Anna said confused.

“Yeah ‘you’ do.”

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