" It seems unlikely dude, just admit it you're wrong" He said, making me angry.

" I AM NOT WRONG" I said, punching him on his arm.

" Ow- ok, ok you win, jeez no need for punching. Also don't be mad at me if you're wrong" Kirishima laughed.

" TcH" I said.

It went silent after that argument. 45 minutes later and we got to a stone wall, the border to Floral fox. When we got over the wall, we looked around to see a sign that said " If you seek to destroy the kitsune, then turn around and never come back. We do not want your kind in this forest" I looked around and saw a bunch of the signs, they were not far away from the stone wall. We kept walking, the forest floor was filled with lavenders and different kinds of berries. As we walked through the forest we also noticed that the creatures that lived here seemed very peaceful, maybe a bit too peaceful, like if something attacked them they would be dead in an instant.

When we got to the town, the first thing we saw was a big statue of what seemed to be a kitsune with four tails. "Maybe kirishima was right" I thought as we went to take a closer look. As we went closer to see the statue, we heard an old man talk.

" A beauty isn't she, say you guys aren't from here" He said.

" Yeah, we are travelers." Kirishima said, smiling as always.

" May I ask why you are here... You guys aren't he-" He said but got cut off.

" We aren't gonna kill your stupid fox, we are just exploring." I said in an angry tone.

" Woah okay no need to get angry." The man said.

" Sorry he's always angry." Kirishima said grinning.

" AM NOT!!" I said angrily.

" OK then..." The man said.

" Anyways if you don't mind me asking who this kitsune is?" Kirishima asked.

" Ah, our kitsune, yes, she's the daughter of Lux and Sanguis, the survivors from the kingdom of flames attack. Even though Lux and Sanguis have fought the soldiers they still thought that there was good in everything, of course they weren't wrong but it got them killed." The old man explained.

" That's a bit sad..." Kirishima said, making a :( face.

" Very but thank god we have their daughter left." The old man said.

" Wait- Didn't they have kids or something like that?" I asked in my rough tone.

" Yes but their youngest also got killed, so now she's the only one left." The man said.

" Poor... wait what's her name?" Kirishima asked.

" Why not ask her, she comes by almost every day." The old man answered.

" Huh?" Kiri said.

" Yes, she comes by almost every day, it's not like she stays in her house all day, she is our ruler after all." The old man said half laughing.

" If you are done chatting, where can we find a hotel for the night?" I asked.

" OH yes well, a hotel is on the left behind the bookstore" He said while pointing towards an alleyway.

" Thanks" Kirishima said.

" Before you go, be careful if you are gonna talk to her she isn't that trusting of outsiders" The old man said.

" Sure thing old man" I said walking towards the hotel

When we got to the hotel we bought a room with two beds and went up to them to unpack our stuff. When we were done unpacking we went out to look around since it was still day time, I went to look at potions since we needed some healing stuff just in case. After buying some I continued exploring the small town. I came across the statue again and thought: " I won't lie to myself, kinda sad for someone to be left alone... at least I have my parents even though they rule over a whole land while I rule over a dragon tribe...". I continued walking past the statue. The dragon tribe I ruled was in my parents land, we made sure the dragons there were alright since they also were almost hunted down. My mom was maybe a ruthless queen but she had the heart of gold when it came to injured creatures, that's why she sent me on a quest, the quest to find a place where the dragons could not be found or hunted down for their scales and teeth.

When i finally came back to the hotel kirishima was already there, he was in a deep slumber. My thoughts started to wander again, I wondered who his crush was, the way he explained them it could have been the shitty nerd deku, Princess raccoon eyes, sparky or literally anyone who was close to us. His crush couldn't be me since we had no interest in each other, the relationship was not romantic but to be fair we are best friends even if I wont admit it. When I finally realized that I had been lost in thought I quickly got ready to sleep, I went over to my bed, it was across the room from Kirishima's bed. As I was laying down in the bed, I thought about why the Kingdom Of Flames had attacked this forest. I know they had a history of being nasty yet it didn't make sense, especially after they lost the abandoned forest along with Giants Grave. There's probably a book about it somewhere, too bad I don't have the time to buy and read any books right now.

Words: 1597
Date: 30.05.2021

.: This fox :. ( Bakugou x kitsune reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu