It can't be

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We walked up to the tree and looked behind a rock and we saw something we did expect to see, an unconscious Li.
"Aarr!" I screamed at the sight.
"What happened is she alright." Jinora asked from behind me.
I looked at Li unconscious body to try figure out what might have happened. She had a massive cut on the right side of her face, thank goodness the cut wasn't to big, so there wasn't much bleeding.
"I think she feel from a tree."
"Could be. Let's try to find Aunt Kya she would be able to help. Here you stay here I'll find aunt Kya." Jinora run off to look for aunt Kya.
I looked down at Li and thought "How long have you been here for and how did this happen."
The next thing I knew Li was walking up.
"Ugh what happened." She's low got up and rubbed her eyes, "Kai? What happened? Where am I?"
"You were knocked out unconscious and Jinora and I found you lying under the tree. Oh yeah be careful because you got a cut on your forehead."
"Wait, what, where? Is it bad."
"Nah it's not that bad just don't touch it. Jinora went to get Kya hopefully she could help."
"Okay but before Jinora comes back with Kya I need to tell you something."
"Huh, what is it?"
"Well about your parents they're..."

I woke up and jumped
"No, no, no it was just a dream!" I screamed but I didn't realise how late it was.
I looked to the window and realised the time it was still night. I grabbed my mouth. But it was already too late there was a knock at my door,
"Kai are you alright? I heard screaming." It was Jinora.
"No not really you can come in if you want."
Jinora walked in to my room.
"So tell me what happened." She asked as she sat down next to me.
I explained to her about my dream.
"So this girl named Li was about to tell you something about your parents and than you woke up?"
"Yeah that was basically what happened." My eyes started to tear.
"Hey I know your parents are out there somewhere. You'll will find them one day just remember they might not be with you here but they will always be with you in your heart."
"Thanks Jin you always know what to say."
I embraced her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Thank you for always being there Jin. I love you."
Omg I can't believe I've finally finished his is I find that this wasn't the best story I could do but hey.

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