My backstory

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I remember six years ago I was out on the streets, than some officers took me off the streets and put me in to an orphanage and from there I was adopted from a loving family, but the thing is I spent way to much time out of the streets that I had to return. So one night while my adopted family was asleep I took their life saving, I only wanted to take some of it, but once I started to steal their money I couldn't stop and in the end I took it all and fled. Eight months later I got air bending and met Jinora and the rest of the gang. That's when I tried to change my ways and become good but because I've been on the streets for a long time my old habits stayed with me. When we went to Ba Sing Sa to pick up the other air benders I ran off and used my air bending for bad and used it to steal the rich people's money, but doing that got me in major trouble and got captured by the queen and was forced to be a part of her army. Thank goodness I was only stuck there for less than 3 days as Jinora and the gang saved me and the other airbenders. After that I swore that I would always use my bending for good and life was going good from there Jinora became my girlfriend, but six years later, she returned...

Kainora:The Girl From The PastМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя