Closing the door behind him, James walked right up to his friend and stood beside Sirius and Peter. ,,What?!" he asked shocked, almost disturbed. His eyes, the same as Peters and Sirius' were still wide and none of them seemed to be able to understand the whole situation.

,,What?" Remus said sheepishly, almost innocent. Of course he knew what those looks were about. He hadn't told his friends about the trip before, as he couldn't find the right time to address it. Remus wasn't sure how they would react to his plans for this hogsmeade trip and more importantly the person whom he planned to spend it with. Still, he honestly was kind of excited about the up coming weekend.

Sirius eyed his friend suspiciously. He saw the true and happy smile on Remus' face and none of them could deny it. ,,You are going to hogsmeade with her?" Sirius' voice was more soft than James' but still couldn't hide the surprise that he felt about this sudden confession.

Remus took a deep breath and tried to describe the situation as simple as possible. ,,Yes, we still have to get an ingredient for our potion before we can start the brewing. So we decided to buy it in hogsmeade, when the trip is coming up."

,,So-" Peter started, somehow starting to smirk and raising both his brows. The excitement on Remus' face was evident and yet he tried to distract from it. ,,-this is not a date or something like that?"

,,What? No, we- we are just going together for our project." Remus startled, somewhat his cheeks started heating up treacherously. It wasn't a date, neither of them saw it as such. It was just a necessity.

,,But if it was just for the project, one of you two could have bought it. You didn't necessarily have to go together." The smirk on Peters face started growing and it infected Sirius too. Only James didn't seem really convinced of all of this.

Now Remus was the one caught off guard. Peter was right, they didn't have to go together. Remus didn't even thought about the possibility of one of them simply buying it alone. He just assumed that they would go together, as it was both their project. And maybe he just seized the obvious opportunity to get to know Amelia better and knew how to use it.

Somehow, on the other side of the door, the situation was quite similar to this one.

Amelia was still sitting on her bed smiling, as her friends couldn't help but stare at the girl who once didn't even bother saying one word to the Lupin boy. The shock that Lia had prevented Professor McGonagall from punishing the boys was long forgotten and replaced by an even bigger shock. Amelia would be spending the hogsmeade trip with Remus Lupin.

,,Why are you going to hogsmeade with him?" Mo asked, trying to hide his anger and disapproval about it. However, it didn't work fully, as Jay was now eying his friend with an unknown expression on his face. Molero didn't notice though, as his eyes were fixed on Lia.

But before the girl had the opportunity to open her mouth and answer, Laurie started squealing loudly and slapped her hand over a mouth.

,,Did he ask you out?" the red-head asked excitedly, desperately waiting for the answer. She had already thought about the unusual familiar looks that the two shared ever since they started working together

Lias eyed widened as she heard those words. ,,No. Of course he didn't. We are going to go and get powdered moonstone for our potion."

,,Oh, come on. To me that sounds suspiciously like a date." Laurie mused, changing a quick look with Jay, who also started smiling at his friend. Laurie wasn't wrong. It did sound like a date.

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