"Perhaps, she doesn't want the milk from the bottle", a man spoke from behind.

She turned to see him.

"You? Why the hell do you keep coming here everytime? Get lost or else I will call the police, you scoundrel.", She spoke.

"Ooh!! I am scared!!", He lifted up both his hands and shook from right to left.

The baby was still crying and she rocked the baby in her arm.

"I told you she doesn't want the bottle. What are saving those big twins for? If not her then atleast serve it to me. I am hungry since long long time for it.", he said lustfully looking at the breasts which was safely covered under 3 layers of clothing.

The baby sucked it's thumb and went to sleep.

"Mind your tongue, rascal. I know you are a married man, at least be sincere to your wife.", She spoke.

"Woah!! I am sure, you didn't mean to say that I am second-hand, cause you too are one or did a stork delivered that crying mess on your doorstep, huh? In any case it will be nice to get my hands on and smack those beautiful twins. It will be so nice to hear my name from your mouth when you moan, Oliver.. aaa.. Oliver..!!", he said with vulgar gestures.

She couldn't take it anymore. That was the limit of her patience. She placed the baby back in the cradle and picked up the boiling water which she had used to sterilize the feeding bottle few minutes back and splashed it on him. Though it didn't burn his face but it was effective on leaving a burn on his torso due to his clothes. As he hopped due to burning, she picked up a knife which she used to cut the hard stems of flowers. Oliver shivered looking at the knife and ran away for his life.

Flashback ends

"Okay, you may leave, Mr. Oliver.", Principal said to him. "Sorry Mrs., I mean Ms. Grewal. I just learnt that the seats for kindergarten are already full and we won't be able to give admission to Aadya.", the principal informed.

"Are you sure you were informed about the seats or did you got know details behind my salutation?", Aadya's mumma questioned.

"Please leave, I am neither obliged nor obligated to answer this question", principal said.

"Right! You aren't obliged or obligated to answer and you can't either. I genuinely thought education is meant for everyone without discrimination", She said.

"Will you leave or do you need me to call someone to help you show the way? I am being polite because of the child.", said the principal.

"Denying an admission to a child is very polite though. No need of any help. I know my way!", she answered.

The principal turned her face, pointing her hand towards the door. Aadhya was terrified because their voices were little over the normal limit.

Aadya was picked up by her mother in her arms and cuddled as she walked out of the office.

Name: Shehnaaz Grewal
Age: 21
Relationship Status: Single mother
Emotional Status: Broke
Mental Status: Broke
Occupation: Florist
Daughter: Aadya Grewal, 3 year old.

She walked home controlling her emotions. Her eyes were pleading her to let those heavy droplets of tears to flow out of them.


In the evening, Oliver returns with his wife, Rosy to the boutique. Rosy was panicked looking at the burnt scars on his torso. She blamed 'Shehnaaz for seducing her husband when he went to buy flowers for his wife and when he reacted by pushing her away, she threw boiling water on him.' That was the story given by Oliver to Rosy.

Shehnaaz: I am not shocked at all lady. A person who misbehave and pass lousy remarks at a lady while he has a wife at home can also weave a story of lie too.

Rosy: Shut up! You will give a character certificate to my husband who roams with that illegitimate child, whose father is unknown to the world. I am sane enough to trust my husband more than a lady who might be sleeping with God knows how many men.

Shehnaaz: Hold your tongue else I'll cut them with my flower cutting scissors. Get out of my boutique now.

They go away from there but in an hour the police arrive who threaten to arrest her. Shehnaaz was a strong lady but she was worried about her 7 months old baby. She begs her to leave her for the sake of her child since she didn't have any proof of her innocence.
The police asks her to leave the town and run away to escape the prison because even she was helpless as she had to follow her duty as a police.

At the middle of the night Shehnaaz packs all her necessary things, and vacates her house at the dawn to another place.

She chops off her hair trying to look less attractive and wears a loose fitting clothes since then.

Flashback ends..

She reached home and tucked sleeping Aadya in her bed and locked herself inside the bathroom, turned on the tap and as the bucket filled, she cried her heart out.

I hate Men!! I left that city for my Aadya even though I wasn't at fault but today because of that rascal, my little princess didn't get admission here. I am exhausted of running away everytime from one place to another. When will this pain end? The little smile I get looking at Aadya is lost within a minute. Don't I deserve happiness in life at all? I guess, I will have to move from this place as well, to find happiness for Aadya. She needs to study and not suffer like me in her life.

Shehnaaz never had too many luggages because she wandered like nomads from one place to another in search of happiness and solace for herself and her little one. She packed the bags and was ready to set on a journey with her little heart, Aadya. Far from this place, in search of happiness for her daughter.
To be continued.. ❤️❤️

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