Chapter One

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My name is Rachel Walker. It's nothing special or out of the ordinary- just like me. I never knew that one moment on one night could change my life for the worst. I used to have a happy, loving family that would do anything for each other, no matter what. But now there is nothing left but a few joyful memories deep at the back of my messed up mind that I can't bear to find because it's too painful just to think of how everything used to be when I know that nothing will ever be the same again. When I was just a naive little girl I wished for a fairy tale, with a happy ending like those in the stories that my mother used to read to me every night before bed. But now all I want is for someone to rescue me from the hands of my father. But for that... I need hope. And hope is something that I do not have anymore.

After all those cold, lonely lights I lost all hope and trust in the world. I knew nothing would be all right ever again; no one would want a lost and broken pest. After all, my 'father' abuses me because my mother's death was my entire fault; my entire fault.

My father loved my mother very much- a love that I had hoped to have had when I was older. So I understand why he's like this now, I guess. It was just my mother, my father and I; there were no annoying siblings although an older brother would have been nice. It was the date of 3rd of January- my 7th birthday. My mother had asked me to go outside and tell my father that she was going to the shop to collect my present. I was so excited- I had asked for a new, bigger dolls house so that all of my dolls could have a bed to themselves. I didn't care that I was 7 and should be starting to grow out of dolls because it was something that me and my mother did together. I remember when she used to brush my hair with my red 101 Dalmatians hairbrush while I brushed my favourite doll's tangled blonde hair. My father had insisted that she didn't go. He didn't want her to get hurt because it was snowing and the roads would be incredibly icy. My mother was stubborn though; a trait that we both shared. She refused to stay at home and said to my father that I needed this present, it was my birthday. I agreed with my father and stood in front of my mother, my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face that I believed was terrifying; I told her to stay, that all I needed for my birthday was my two parents. I could have my present another day anyway.

She was the most caring and kind woman you would ever meet; her light brown hair cascaded past her shoulders in natural, gentle waves and her emerald eyes were filled with a sparkle. Her smile would light up an entire football field and all women wanted to be her. All in all, she was beautiful. Most importantly, she was also the best mother and wife you could have asked for. But her mind was rigid and inflexible, once it was settled, it was settled; you could not change her mind.

So, my mother left to the shops at 2:40 pm that day, sending a kiss to both me and my father before stepping into her car. That was the last time I saw her smile, her eyes; the last time that I heard her laugh and her voice- Because she never returned that day. Her car collided with another when she was only a street away from home. You could hear the crash from miles away- the screeches of the tyres and the sound of the metals clashing against each other. The driver and passenger of the other car survived- a man in his 30's and his son of age 10. My mother was rushed to hospital and my father and I waited five hours to hear the news that we both dreaded so badly; it was not the news we ever wanted to hear- Ever. My mother had died.

A part of my father also died that night, and that was also the last time that my father looked at me with love in his eyes, the last time I heard his laugh or saw his smile. I would never again receive one of his 'magic' hugs that stopped me from crying if I had a bad dream or if I injured myself. He became another man; a man with an evil glint in his eye and a can of beer constantly in his hand. He became the monster that enjoyed hurting me - the monster that filled my nightmares. But I understand. I am worthless and I deserve it. It was my fault my beloved mother died. My fault his soul mate and his wife died. I'm sorry mummy.


This is basically just an introduction to Rachel's story so is more of a prologue than a chapter :) thank you all for reading

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