Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!

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"We are grateful to see you unharmed, but where are your parents?" a serious, female voice spoke.

"I... don't want to talk about it..." Trucy's voice answered.

Katrielle and I both shared a look as we quietly walked towards the doors of another room. I motioned for Katrielle to wait there as I felt my bracelet tighten around my wrist. I peeked into the room and saw Trucy talking to two teenage girls. How does Trucy know them? Before I could say anything, I fell forward as Katrielle fell right on top of me!

"Who are you?" the serious teenager asked as the smaller teenager pulled Trucy close to her.

"Polly!" Trucy shouted in delight as she broke free from the other girl and walked right up to us, "What are you doing here? I was going to come back!"

How is she so remarkably calm?!

"Trucy! Your dad was worried about you! He sent us to find you" I said to her as Katrielle got off of me, "You know you shouldn't run off like that. Especially with what happened last time"

She looked a little sad, but I know she didn't mean it.

"Come on, let's go back. We should tell your dad that you're safe" I said as I reached for her hand.

"Ignaize!" the older teenager shouted as she flicked her wrist to send a powerful wave of fire towards us!

I jumped back as I screamed while Katrielle was in awe by this.

"Eve! Don't do that! They are my friends!" Trucy exclaimed as she rushed in front of us.

I'm sorry, but did she actually cast a FRICKEN FIRE SPELL?! What is going on here?!

"We will not let you take her. We were sent here to bring her back home. If you dare oppose us, then we will get rid of you" Eve said seriously as she glared at us.

I gulped. Just what in the heck did I just get myself into now. Then, I heard Katrielle laugh. Oh, no... What is she thinking about now?

(Katrielle's POV)

"Ah, I see. We are both under the impression of being enemies. I wonder if there is a reason for that" I said in delight.

"Uh... Because of Trucy?" Apollo pointed out worriedly.

"Exactly! Trucy!" I said in delight, "Now, I believe we need to take a look at this through Katrielle's Theater of Puzzles and Clues!"

I twirled around the room as I smirked at Eve.

"First off, you were able to cast fire. That is not something anyone can do here. Although, recently, metas are more common to the point a school needed to be created. So, you could be a meta. However, something tells me that is not the case. You are a street performer!"

Eve blinked a couple of times as Apollo looked too stunned to say anything.

"Now, as for Trucy, there is an easy way to prove that Trucy is safe with both parties" I said as I turned towards the little magician, "She is the daughter of your boss, a person who is quite famous now!"

Espella clapped her hands in delight while Trucy just grinned. Yeah, I'm definitely onto something here! I can feel it!

"In fact, Trucy hasn't presented this piece of evidence to us yet! She will soon enough!" I said with a knowing smile as Trucy looked surprised.

"What do you mean?" Espella asked curiously.

"Simple, Trucy made it disappear!" I said with a curtsy, "And that ladies and gentleman is the Katrielle's Theater of Puzzles and Clues! I do hope they was enlightening to all of you!"

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora