"Jinnie! I'm trying to feed you- stop running away!"

"But I don't like eggplant! That thing is so not yummy," He said sticking his tongue out. "I want ice cream!" he pouted.

"Stubborn, aren't you, my little prince?" leaning down, She caressed his cheek and smiled. "If you finish this, I'll take you there myself!"

Hyunjin's eyes lit up as he smiled widely, but the other man gasped in shock.

"Irina honey... You know it's dangerous outside, right?..." He got up from his chair and put his hands on the woman's shoulder.

His wife chuckled. "Come on hyunseok don't be like that~ our little prince has a wish! Besides, what could go wrong?"

"Uh- you can get kidnapped!"

"I will protect mommy!" The enthusiastic boy shouted, hearing a chuckle from both his parents.

"My little hero." His mom said before picking him up on her arms.

"Stay safe, my dearest."


"Mommy?" The little boy holding her hand asked. She replied with a "yes, dear?"

"Why does daddy not spend any time with me?" She looked at him, seeing a bit of sadness on the boy's eyes.

"Because daddy is a busy person, sweetheart."

Hyunjin brought his index finger up to his lip, making a thinking expression, "how so?" He questioned.

"He's the BIG boss of the biggest designing comapny in this country." She said, not saying the word CEO cause hyunjin wouldn't understand.

"Oooh" The black haired child's mouth formed an O. Irina smiled and picked the boy up in her arms.

"And one day, when you grow up, you'll be just like daddy. You'll be the big boss that time." She smiled, booping her son's nose.

"I'll be just like daddy!"

"Do you see that bridge over there, sweetie?" She asked, pointing at a bridge that was far away but still visible because of it's height.


"That, is mapo bridge. Also called the bridge of there. Never go near there, okay?" She asked.

Hyunjin unknowingly nodded, "mom?" He asked and the woman hummed in response. "What does death mean?"

"You'll find out when you grow older."

Hyunjin didn't suspect it to be anything bad by the way his mom smiled, it must not mean something bad. Right?

Hyunjin suddenly noticed a beautiful butterlfy dancing in the hair, his eyes lit up with excitement as he chased it, running into the busy road.

"Hyunjin- hyunjin! Don't run off like that- Hyunjin! Come back here!" The woman kept repeating his name.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw the red car dashing towards him.

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