Chapter 1 - Sheer Cold

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The first thing she learned was that she had to keep a source of warmth present at all times, the second being that she couldn't keep her feet warm without shoes.

But she didn't like wearing them either.

The third thing she noticed was that there were these strange humanoid creatures, albeit short with hunchbacks and carrying crude weapons, that would dance at her whenever she was nearby. They were, however, too afraid to get within arms length of the girl, backing off as soon as she approached them.

Fourth being that none of the torches along the paths were lit. 

"Are those....lit torches?"

Until now.

Though, they were in front of a cave and the girl was smart enough to assume this meant someone else occupied the space, she didn't care if she was intruding.

"Hey, person who uses this place. Do you have any food?"

Albedo wasn't one who would pay attention to others, using the bare minimum attention to get that person away as soon as possible so that he could continue with his experiments, but when he sees a girl clad in nothing besides Sumerian clothing, his interest is piqued.

"I do have some rations, they aren't very...appetizing though."

"I will take what I can get."

He rummages through a crate, handing the girl something to eat before proceeding to coax her into revealing who she was.

"May I ask how you arrived here without harm? The weather in Dragonspine is quite brutal to those unprepared."

"Oh, that," She swallowed. "It is not hard when you know how to make fire."

Technically, she wasn't lying to the man.

Albedo observes the expression on the girl's face for a few moments longer, the almost permanent smile not faltering even once, finding the quirk of her lips eerie. She probably wasn't lying that she made fire, but she was obviously hiding something.

"Though, I must admit, my feet are absolutely freezing."

He looks down to see she was barefoot save for the bandage wrapped around to act as simple footwear. The obvious cuff attached to her ankle intriguing.

'A runaway slave? But her mannerisms point far from long-term imprisonment, too noble....much like Eula or Diluc.'

"Would you like to head for Mondstadt tomorrow morning then? I could act as a guide if you allow it."

'Likely from Sumeru, the country of scholars, to Mondstadt of freedom. She's either very lucky or very intelligent.'

"If it doesn't trouble you too much, I would prefer a guide."

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