Spooky Greetings

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"Thank you so much for watching my son for me Y/n....umm...why was your friend unable to babysit again?" you turned to the violet haired woman and shrugged "Well, she said something about her and her boyfriend getting stuck in a game something like that" Lila just sighed and smiled "Well I know that you have experience in watching children so I fully trust you to keep an eye on my son and his little friend" she said as she tossed her bad onto her shoulders.

"Now make sure that they stay out of trouble ok? the boys have a habit of.....being a tad bit overenergetic" she said but I smiled "Its ok, just have fun hanging out with your friends Lila, everything will be ok!" I said while giving her a thumbs up.  After making sure things were ok, she then left, leaving me alone in the house....or at least I thought I was alone.

"I wonder where....AHHH!" I turned to see two kids in Halloween costumes, the one on the left was wearing a skeleton costume while the one on the right wore a pumpkin costume "Hi there! I'm Skid!" the one in the skele costume said "And I'm Pump!" the pumpkin kid said "DO you like spooky month?!" they both said together with a big smile on their faces. I rose an eyebrow 'Spooky month? its May...but I don't want to hurt their feelings, they're just kids...' I thought to myself so I just gave the two a big smile "Yes! I love spooky month!" you told them and they hopped up and down in excitement "DO you know the 'spooky dance'?!" I heard Pump ask me and I shook my head no.

"Don't worry Y/n, we'll show you!" Pump said as he and Skid held onto my hands and took me to the living room "Ok, to do the spooky dance, all you have to do is crouch down like this and dance like this!" Skid said as he and Pump began to do a cute little dance. I smiled as I began to imitate their dance and, honestly, it was really fun! "That was fun!" I said after sitting down from their spooky dance and looked at the clock on the wall "How about I make you two something to.....WHERE DID THEY GO?!" I shouted as I stood up. the spot where they once stood was empty and the front door wide open! I quickly grabbed my shoes and coat and ran out the door to find the duo

"So this is what Lila meant when she said they were a handful!!"

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